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About Strongpoint

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  1. I disagree here. You can build a deck in a way that omits cheap beasts but new legendary can work even in a face hunter deck as a way thin your deck for Kill Command Eaglehorn Bow Leeroy Jenkins 8 mana 6\6 card with a battlecry "draw a card", and deathrattle "draw a card" is not that far from being playable. This one not only draws them but puts them in play. ____________ Also, the best hunter card is that 1\3 neutral beast.
  2. Giving humility like effect to priest... I am not happy. Why can't this be at least neutral? You already take away one of paladin's signature ability. Priest is losing his class identity real quick. If you don't think that "can do anything" is an identity
  3. IMO, Play no minions in your deck is more restricting than Prince Keleseth or Reno Jackson while effect is only OK. And we talking about hunter who has bad spells... Like many others, I am WTF on this card. I hardly imagine that this will ever become viable even if hunter will get tons of good spells. There will be minions you want to play instead We still have 3 hunter cards to reveal including legendary weapon so I am not worried about two bad epics, yet. Also, 5 mana or less hunter\neutral beasts of the expansion are very important for Deathstalker Rexxar. Good options can m
  4. Hunter spellstone looks plain unplayable. Four 3\3s will be easily cleared by so many AOE's\blocked by spreading plague and they aren't easy to get. I hoped for a good secret synergy card like Drakonid Operative for dragon priest in MSG... Nope... Priest spellstone... I may start playing Leeroy Jenkins everywhere just to give big priest welps Rogue spellstone is... at least I can try it in my fun wild renoN'zoth rogue deck.
  5. Mage card looks more broken than Drakonid Operative. I played enough Ethereal Peddlers to know how powerful this kind of effect can be. But this has a tribal tag and discounts good cards instead of burgled nonsense. Playing discounted card(s) on turn 5 is also more effective than doing this on turn 4.
  6. 2 really good early game commons... Arena warlock got a great boost.
  7. I think kobold would be playable as 2/1 or even 1/2. In this form... I doubt it. Two mana for two zero cost minions doesn't look great Worse Soul of the Forest needs more totem synergy to be good. I can see it in a wild deck with Thunder Bluff Valiant The last looks like a pure win more card
  8. Post Volcano play in elemental shaman? But we need another 5+ spell(s) for shaman to consider this
  9. It is subjective. I would define premium discover as a card that you put in your deck anyway or would put against your current opponent.
  10. Everything that adds a non-premium dragon for Netherspite Historian is good for me.
  11. I just hope that we'll see no insane warrior weapon, because I don't want to see a meta of pirate warriors vs randuin priests
  12. I expect low replayability. Two major flaws are lack of rewards and difficulty progression. It is very unfun to beat trivial first levels again and again to get to a challenging part.
  13. 3 random spells for 5 mana is quite a bargain. It is slooooow. It is vulnerable to weapon removals. But it gives value. Bloodlust Volcano Spirit Echo Lightning Storm Feral Spirit and quite few other spells give predictable results
  14. Secret hunter is the most obvious way to do it. If there are a new good secret synergy card, we may see this archetyp in a sweet spot. Accepting the risk of a low roll is another route. Non-beast early game (pirates, elementals, Prince Keleseth) can be viable in some metas, too
  15. I disagree completely. Hunter legendary looks very powerful in midrange hunter. The worst case scenario is 6\6 + 1\1(beast) + 1\1(beast) and thin your deck for two cards for 8 mana to dig for reach/big boys. And this worst case scenario isn't that bad But there are ways to build hunter with no\very few cheap beasts. Note that this new legendary works with Prince Keleseth Barnes N'Zoth, the Corruptor
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