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elmurufdd last won the day on December 15 2019

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About elmurufdd

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  1. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  2. too little to late i left getting addon from curse years ago they could have ended all this 3rd party addon manger bs from the get go when they bought curse but they decided to not do a stand alone app funny how they decided too now . dont worry they will sell curse soon enough no way they r making money from this
  3. i dont blame them blizz claims hand off approach to these races but then over tunes it so much that they spent thousands of doallrs extra on hotels and such due to the race lasting so long . be funny if next xpac all the top guild boycott the race and skip that tier to prove a point ( i know they wont but its free publicity for blizz )
  4. prob wont matter by the time this is out any windows 11 user cant just use it on pc
  5. damn truth right here T and E got them tongues ready
  6. most likely not all of them will be included usually when they do stuff liek this they add one or 2 that make sense and wont be game breaking if may not be from the covenant u prefer for ur class since what covenant u use wont have any effect when DF launches
  7. they stated in the deep dive we are not getting flying and wont be til way way later . we are getting dragon riding ( the dumbest crap i have ever heard a dev mansplain )
  8. but its isnt real flying . can u afk fly high up for aslong as u want ? nope this will be like a vehicle not a mount and will also be haevy timegated before u can fully use it to its max
  9. everyone of these sets looks horrible , also why do comments need mod approval
  10. for those that liek them im sorry u liek 12 priest tier sets cuz that what i thought it was when i first saw them . i was like " ok 12 concepts for priest tier gear when r they gunna show us the other class concepts " . only to realize the art dept is down to just one person doing it all it seems . these sets r the a perfect example of the meme about coping homework, u know u can copy it just dont make it obvious
  11. those were better than these and atleast they were themed this looks like SL quest gear and they all look the same . guess they fired alll the art dept and just said hey copy and paste the preist set onto each class
  12. wow will u look at that seems SL will end with 9.2 just liek i said according to the interviews today
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