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About Kerkermeister

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  1. Are you maybe mixing up prices for wings and complete adventures? One wing costs just 700g, so it's 2.800g or 3.500g for the complete expansion.
  2. But that is all you needed for an adventure. So you spent your gold earned in one single month for the expansion and had 7 more month to save for the next full card expansion. On the other side, you won't get far with 28 packs. You will pull out 2 legedaries, if you're lucky, while you got 5-6 for each adventure. Blizzard should be honest and rename the upcoming season to "Year of the Mammon". I will simply go f2p and only play Wild in the future. Having saved up 5k gold for Ungoro packs and 10k dust (including refunds for Rag, Sylvanas, ...) should be enough in this format. There won't b
  3. That doesn't really matter in this scenario: If you don't craft the golden version, you will get 1600 dust for the normal version. You can keep the normal card and use the dust for another legendary as well.
  4. Thank you, that explains it perfectly as Shifter Zerus can transform into any minion!
  5. I just faced a C'Thun Warrior with my Priest in a standard ranked match. Near the end he dropped an Ironbark Protector after playing Golden Monkey. I did manage to win, but I'm wondering how he could have gotten this Druid basic card. Unfortunately I have not recorded the game, but here I'll attach a hard copy of the HDT replay. So at the top he played Golden Monkey, which should have turned his only three cards in hand into Legendaries as he was already fatiguing. But without any fancy stuff going on in between, he played Ironbark Protector two turns later. Any ideas how he cou
  6. Thank you, great deck! I managed to climb from rank 15 to 5 with a 28-6 record without having played Paladin much before. Had to replace the Coghammer with a second Truesilver Champion though.
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