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About zmerquise

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  1. === Who we are ===We are a guild located on Horde side Zul'jin. We provide a friendly atmosphere with the intent of downing the content and having a ton of fun while we are at it! Have fun most of the time and inbetween pulls but once the pull timer is out, its go time. <Deaths Echo> is currently 7/7N and 7/7H 1/7M=== Raiding with Deaths Echo ===If you choose to join our ranks, you'll have an ability to down content at a pace that is fairly quick while at the same time having fun. We currently will raid in legion tues/weds/fri 8-12EST . Since our leadership and core was 13/13M and beta t
  2. Still taking all exceptional applicants. Thank you everyone!
  3. === Who we are ===We are a guild located on Horde side Zul'jin. The officer core is 13/13M and is preparing for Legion. We provide a friendly atmosphere with the intent of downing the content and having a ton of fun while we are at it! <Deaths Echo> is currently 9/13M. === Raiding with Deaths Echo ===If you choose to join our ranks, you'll have an ability to down content at a pace that is fairly quick while at the same time having fun. We currently will raid in legion tues/weds/fri 8-12EST . Since our leadership and core was 13/13M and beta testers, you will have access to players who ar
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