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About Kenta223

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  1. Hello, I just server transferred to Area-52, 888 guardian druid, I did 7/7 HC 2/7 M EN and quit raiding for a bit, I'm looking to get back into raiding Nighthold with a levelheaded guild, I have no HC experience of Nighthold, currently 8/10 N from pugging. I learn quickly and I have been playing a druid tank for 4+ years. I would appreciate any consideration & appreciate any replies. Please take a look at my armory, & add my battletag if you want to chat. (: #1319 http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/area-52/Saudàde/simple
  2. Hello, 888 guardian druid here, just server xferred and I'm looking for a guild to progress NH with, I don't have any HC experience but I do have raiding experience and I'm a quick learner. Please check out my armory and let me know! (: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/area-52/Saudàde/simple
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