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About Semantyx

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  1. The guide mentions Usage of Murder in the 2.1 For Raiding section. In the Marksmanship Hunter DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities (BfA 8.0.1) - 1. Important Abilities, Procs and The General Rotation of Marksmanship Hunter section it does not go over this and how to use it in your rotation. The opener does show it in the lineup, but again, it's not discussed in the explanation section.
  2. Now that I can actually edit the post. That setup was base order hall, no war/Titan forged. Very basic setup. If you play around with the settings you find varying degrees of gear that can be equipped. in short Carrns post is short, sweet, and 100% accurate. aside from the relics, it's pretty much keep on playing your characters. Whatever gear you can achieve with your best efforts is your best in slot pre raid.
  3. I got this from askmrrobot but I don't know when these bosses will be active. 876 The Dreadblades 860 Magic-Warped Hood 850 Pendant of Liquid Horror Satyr 860 Mantle of the Asp
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