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About Riveryn

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  1. **Currently 6/7 Heroic EN on 2 day schedule, need more healers and a few high dps to fill out roster, finish heroic and move on & up into mythics. Want to fill spots ASAP - contact Rylle#1168 or Malbrack#1839** <Sunder> is an established guild that has existed since game launch. For many years <Sunder> led its server in progression and was regionally competitive - then came careers and kids. Legion re-energized us to go after content hard again on a more limited schedule. Even on a 2 day schedule, our Mythic raiders have exceptional gaming resumes in and out of WoW and we
  2. About us: <Sunder> is an established guild that has existed since game launch. For many years <Sunder> led its server in progression and was regionally competitive - then came careers and the kids. Legion has re-energized us to go after content hard again, this time on a more limited schedule. But even on a two day schedule, our raiders have exceptional high level gaming resumes both in WoW and out and we expect to progress through content at a solid pace. If you’re a mature-in-attitude individual who enjoys raiding to your max potential on a limited schedule in a friendly but foc
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