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  1. Falx

    New Shoulders

    Garrote -> Envenom-> Mutilate -> Rupture -> Mutilate to 5 combo points -> Vanish -> Rupture -> Kingsbane >>>> Mutilate + Envenom Use vendetta when short of energy.
  2. You have to adjust the relic part. Having 3 Vendetta relic increases your dps by a huge amount as it allows you to align it with vanish (2x vendetta 1x vanish) but only if you have 3 vendetta relics or if u have 1 or 2 and the legendary feet. In terms of ilvl, 3 vendetta relics performs much better than rupture relics 30ilvl higher (EACH).
  3. You see it at 2.5% increase, I see it as 7k dps increase by changing one single piece which is a kinda of big deal for me :)
  4. I am at 865 ilvl (Shadowblade-hakkar EU) with 120% mastery and 37% crit and Sims give me the following stats scale: Agi > Mastery ~= Crit ~= Vers > Wdps > Haste. Before I hit 120%, Mastery was the very best stat. Haste is obviously the very very very worst stat (almost half as the 1st 3) but, as u can see, Mastery, Crit and Vers are basically equivalent.
  5. I think it's just a tooltip problem. To test that 6.8 does not count the artifact traits, remove the artifact and use 2 normal daggers. You'll see 6.8% anyway (or maybe a bit less cos Kingsbane has mastery on it).
  6. I am using 885 blodothirst Instinct and 845 Tirathon's Betrayal and when I simmed the 840 version it gives me huge jump in dps (like 7k more dps). Edit: I obviously repliced the Tirathon's Betrayal :)
  7. I've noticed Six-Feather Fan is not being considered in the trinkets section. Does anybody know if it's worth buying?
  8. @Guest JPax I am pretty sure that 6.8 dmg does not consider the artiact traits.
  9. I just saw the opener, I personally use this: Garrote (from stealth) > Envenom (blood elf racial) > Mutilate > Vendetta > Mutilate (to 6CP) > Vanish > Rupture. In this way I get to apply the vanish/rupture with 5 stacks of Agonazing Poisons AND if I get to crit with 1 mutilate after the 1st Envenom I even apply the vanish/rupture wth EP up. The opener in the guide applies the big rupture with 2-3 stacks of Agon Pois. What do you think about it?
  10. How do Zoldyck Family Training Shackles work with Agonizing Poisons? Does it affect Ago Pois somehow?
  11. I am not sure I agree with it. I'd open with garrote > envenom to apply the debuff to improve applications of AP. The issue with the opener having AP is that it takes a bit to get to 5 stacks and that's a huge dps loss considering that each stack is about 10% damage increase (considering the traits also) .
  12. I think the guide (or portions of it) is a bit outdated, it still says the best enchants are versatility for the rings and mark of the claw for the neck. I guess they need to be mastery enchants everywhere ( Mark of the Trained Soldier on the neck)
  13. I hope they havent changed much, I just got a ilvl 885 Bloodthirsty Instinct :) And yes Carn I should get a pc to play but I just hate Windows too much, I can't really bear it.
  14. Anybody knows when SimulacionCraft guys are gonna release a new version for mac? It's already been while since the last one :)
  15. How do we know it's just a tooltip issue and that the traits are not actually working? Is there anyway to check it? I have 82% mastery 41% crit and based on my tries on training dummies I noticed exsanguinate is head of Agonizing Poisons, maybe because my mastery is still too low?
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