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About locice

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  1. We are still In need of reliable and active RDPS players to join our ranks! Current progress 1/7M and 2/3HC.
  2. The team is about to get steady for mythic progression, but we're still in need of a couple more healers and a few steady DPSers. We want you who are well traversed in your class.
  3. We're always interested in flexible, skilled players but currently we're in extra need of a mainspec tank (not DH), DPS (ranged and melee) and one holy paladin/mistweaver.
  4. Hello! Interested in a guild that are content focused and progress driven while still having time to live your life offline? Dream Run is in it's core a team of online friends that all have good previous experience from raiding together in WoW and other games. After been in countless of different guilds we decided to try and make a place where we all can stay for a long time without having to constantly search new guilds every raid tier and start grinding loot points all over. This means we're carefully chosing who we take in to the team and will slowly but steadily grow the guild as t
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