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About Sonofpoi

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  1. Well, first of all stop taking advices from askmrRobot. It sucks. When legion was on the stat weights were 1agi, 0.7vers, 0.65mastery and 0.61crit. Meanwhile, we've got a 15% increased dmg on both of our finishers, so IMO the mastery pulls ahead of vers. I personally go Agi-mastery-vers-crit. In combat, I usually Shadow Blade in the opener before I go with the shadowstrikes. That ensures me that 2 shadowstrikes are enough for 6 cp so I get my nightblade up sooner. Also don't be in such a hurry with the shadow dance. I see situations in which you want to shadowstrike so fast after casting
  2. Well as you do know too you need to increase your nightblade uptime. There's no reason you shouldn't be able to have it at 98-99% at HC Nythendra. Also I don't quite understand the Shuriken Tosses. I see that when you're away from the boss to leave the rot you want to get some extra dps, but combined with a feint doesn't really feel that you will recover all the energy when you're back at the boss. Other than that, the shadow dance/shadowstrike ratio. At 114s is a common mistake and you've pulled less shadowstrikes than usual. You should always leave the symbols of death refresh after the firs
  3. https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/HrAzVGcWMw4XZdQp/#type=damage-done&source=15 http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/kazzak/Sonofpoi/simple I still consider my DPS to be a little low considering my ILvL. It would've been lower if any blades were targeting me in p1 but I got lucky. Any thoughts in what should I do better?
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