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About Janisa

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  1. In search of a mage, priest, ele shaman, or hunter dps/plate dps with tank off spec/healer to expand to 20 players for mythic progression. Elsyna/Janisa#1928
  2. Currently in need of 2 rdps and 1 mdps with tank off spec to expand our raid team to 20 players for mythic EN.
  3. [Stormrage] [A] <Rage of the Storm> (7/7 Heroic) Recruiting Recruiting dps to expand our raid team to 20 raiders. Current Needs: Range: Priest, Hunter, Shaman, Mage Melee: Need melee with tank off spec Healer: Open Tanks: Full If class is not mentioned above, message anyways. All will be considered. Open recruitment for those in need of a guild. Any level are welcomed. May contact Elsyna (Janisa#1928)/Zraven (Krucid#1293) Curse Voice Chat-mic required for raiders Rage of the Storm-Alliance guild founded 4/15 Progression: 7/7 normal EN 7/7 Heroic EN
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