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About Keryia

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  1. Just killed Il'gynoth last night. Still looking for skilled dps to add to our roster.
  2. Monday's are a clean up day and the hours posted are incorrect. On Mondays, we raid 9pm-11pm.
  3. Systematic is a progression based guild recruiting for Nighthold. We are a horde guild on Zul'jin and have been raiding as a guild for the last 10 years. We are currently 5/7 Mythic EN and 3/3 Heroic TOV, but we are getting ready to push progression for Nighthold. We are increasing raiding from two days to three, and need ranged dps to fill out our roster. Website: http://www.systematic-zuljin.com/home When we raid: Tuesday and Thursday: 8:30pm-11:30pm EST Mondays: 9pm-11pm EST What we need: -Shadow priest -Mage (any spec) -Marksman Hunter What we require: -Re
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