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About Freyja

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  • Birthday December 12

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    Tempe, Arizona

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  1. I'm using the Templar, and he has three items that have sockets: Thunderfury, Freeze of Deflection shield, and Justice Lantern ring. Which gems, if any, should I put in the sockets?
  2. Excellent, thank you! (it's ma'am though, not sir ?
  3. Is there a viable Witch Doctor build that uses the Manajuma's Carving Knife and Manajuma's Gory Fetch? If so, what other items and skills should I be using? What gems should I use for the sockets? The Gory Fetch already has a socket, and the Carving Knife doesn't but I do have a gift I can use to add a socket. Unless I shouldn't be using this set after all, and shouldn't waste the gift on the Knife.
  4. This is my first time playing a Season, and I have just one last Objective to complete: "reforge a weapon property to a socket at the Mystic". I know I've done it before but I can't for the life of me remember how, it's been so long. Can anyone tell me how to do it? Thanks in advance!
  5. So it doesn't affect the amount of goblins in Bandit Shrines, Goblin Rift packs or in the Realm of Greed, but will it affect the amount of goblins in the game in general? I frequently don't run across a goblin in an entire game, so I'm wondering if that will change during this time. **edit** I played for a couple of hours today and discovered that there are, in fact, more goblins than normal. And they have more than just one or two buddies with them; I sometimes had a hard time getting to all of them before they escaped. Pretty fun!
  6. I haven't played since the last time I posted, Feb. 22. I finally found a Focus ring, so now I can use that set plus a Hellfire Amulet I already had. I can see a big difference with using those pieces over the Compass Rose and Traveler's Pledge I was using. I'm able to do solo bounties on Torment X pretty easily, and the big monsters with a little trouble. I did a bounty where I had to kill Adria the spider, and she killed me once, but then I came back and got her. I wouldn't have been able to do lvl X without Focus and Restraint. So now I have all the pieces recommended in the guide, I
  7. Oh man, I found another Yang's yesterday but I sold it. And that's one I really want to bump up to Ancient, just to get better stats. Oh well, now I know. Yeah, I wouldn't dare take the chance of using Kanai's Cube to reroll the items I'm currently using - the chance to screw it up is too high. I do use Kadala on a fairly regular basis, if for no other reason than I have to spend what I have after I reach 850 or I won't be able to pick up any new blood shards. I've only found one or two items that I really needed, but it's interesting to see what she gives up. Ok, I only have one
  8. **edit** I take that back. I already had most of the Legacy of Nightmares/Fan of Knives items in my stash. All I need are the Hexing Pants of Mr. Yan, a Dawn, and the two rings. I guess I'll try that when I get tired of the Multishot build, which I can't see happening for a while.
  9. Ok, I tried some GR 60's. LOL oh boy....not a good idea, as I had a hard time killing anything and instead I was killed several times. Fortunately I was in a 4pack with one really strong player, so he mostly carried the rest of us. After that, I left and did a few 50s with one other player and we had no problem. I'm looking at the requirements for the Legacy of Nightmares/Fan of Knives build. I have a few of those items but unfortunately, I've seen even more of them and have sold them because I didn't have room. Dang. And for the Wizard, I use pieces of several different sets. I do
  10. Oh man, you got that right. Multishot just blows me away. I was using it before I got all the set pieces and it was good, but now with all the gear I have, I can't believe how well it works. What other builds will get me to higher GRs? Also, I have the entire Shadow's Mantle set, and four pieces of Natalya's set - the cloak, pants, helm and ring. Plus bits and pieces of other sets. Should I use one of those sets if I use a different build? Yeah, I've noticed I get a LOT of gems in the Greater Rifts.
  11. I now have a Wraps of Clarity bracer and Hunter's Wrath belt. All I'm lacking to complete the build is the Focus ring. I have a Hellfire Amulet but I'm not wearing it; instead I'm still wearing the Compass Rose ring and Traveler's Pledge amulet because I like the set bonus: while moving, damage taken is reduced by up to 50%, and while standing still, damage dealt is increased by up to 100%. I've been doing T8 group Rifts, Greater Rifts (up to level 45) and Bounties with almost no problem. I tried a group T10 but that was too much still. So, if anyone's bothering to read all this,
  12. *rubbing my hands in glee* I found the last piece I was needing for the full Unhallowed Essence set tonight! And even better, I also found a Ramaladni's Gift. What a night! I found the Accursed Visage helm simply by spending Blood Shards at Kadala's, and after spending a couple thousand there she finally gave me what I needed. And I think the Gift came from killing a Greater Rift boss, but I'm not completely sure. Anyway, I have most of the items recommended in Deadset's build guide, but I don't have the Focus ring, only the Restraint one. I do, however, have the Endless Walk - Comp
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