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About Evincare

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  1. The currency is account wide and you get the free 500 by opening a chest at the trading post. So, no need to optimize logins. As for the activities, it seems to me you should be able to max the bar for the additional 500 tokens quite easily byjust playing the game over the course of a month. I wonder, however, if the progress towards that goal and towards the tasks themselves is account wide as well. Say can i kill 8 dungeon bosses on my main while on the dungeon quests for rep and some more on lowbies I’m leveling? It seems like this should be the case, which would make it even more doable wi
  2. To get away with it ofc - and quite frankly, they probably will nonetheless. They may have to shut down activities in the US but I'm almost certain they won't do so in China. If they lose the lawsuit - which is quite possible as Blizzard filed in California - they will probably throw away the companies that got sued and let them go bankrupt. That way they won't have to pay too much as the companies that got condemned to pay the damages won't have any assets anymore. After that, the people behind the companies will probably relocate, set up another company under a different name and republish a
  3. I'm pretty sure they will have the updated guides up as soon as season 18 starts - which is on Friday. Early game and levelling activities don't change that much anyway so for the first few hours of season 18 the levelling guides for any class should do fine no matter the season. Haedrigs Gifts for season 18 are already out, so you could always look at the specific starter guide for the set you are looking at. That won't change either. Endgame build guides will change for sure, as some LoN shenanigans won't work anymore without the buff. If you're looking for a tier list of classes and
  4. Heh... overkill much? Seems like I won't be touching that after all... I mean I get that you could change the blood and bones stuff to some degree if you are reeeeeally conservative or regulation demands this sort of thing... but tombstones? Don't they have tombstones in China...? Edit: The Reddit link Stan shared is actually hilarious ? the changes are way beyond what I would have imagined... they like remodeled ICC completely... But why turn all the meat into bread? I don't get it... the remodeled DK flying mount looks kinda dope tho...
  5. This is great and incredibly simple. I know some people - especially x-mog enthusiasts - have been asking for this possibility for years now and afaik were trying to work around the restriction by importing Chinese models onto live servers - which may or may not have been a violation of the EULA, TOU or whatnot. Kinda makes one wonder, why Blizzard didn't implement this when it's so darn easy to accomplish - or at least tell people how to do it. I personally think when it comes to character customization another option is (almost) always a good thing. I mean, it's not like you're forced to hid
  6. Alright the worgen look like puppy faces now - so soft and fluffy ? But the eyes are neat, at least on the male model. They completely forgot the female worgen ones. They still have human eyes. As for the Goblins - I don't play one so I don't know every option there is/was, but they seem pretty much unchanged to me... not that I care; don't like them at all.
  7. I hope Blizz thought that one through... no point in getting a half finished game out on a date they kind of forced upon themselves. Else we'll get the same shitshow EA/Bioware/Bethesda created with fallout and anthem... Well, at least they are used to community backlash by now I was not aware of those regulations in the EU. I think it's quite interesting, as the gaming industry - developing and publishing in particular - seems to be target of quite a lot of regulations as of late. Not that I mind - as long as those regulations are developed by people, who know what they are doing and
  8. I think, this sums it up quite nicely. Builds are ally-, enemy-, map- and match-sensitive so to speak. So the cookie cutter build will certainly not be the best build in any given situation. It's easy to just mash in the talents suggested in the interwebs during the startup phase and then forget about it, leading to sub optimal builds as the match progresses. I do agree however, this might be mainly an issue for less experienced players. Only one talent in advance or the heroic at least sounds like a reasonable deal though.
  9. Well that's a whole different ballgame. Typo seems to be on WoWDbs end (as stated by Stan in the original Post). The tooltip on Wowhead states for the rank 3 ability: Gain an empowered Null Barrier, absorbing [89500 * (1 + Versatility)] magic damage for 10 sec, and instantly remove all harmful Magic, Curse, Poison, and Disease effects on you, the ability being on a 2.25 minute CD. So way more than 5k. Assuming Wowheads tooltips to be correct, the shield amount of both the major and minor powers do not change when gaining ranks, meaning the shields will always be the same. Rank 2 re
  10. Isn't 5500 like reeeeeally not that much? I have basically no clue about tanking as max I've tanked are mythic 0es for the weekly or an occasional LFR where even mages could tank. But 5500 on a three minute CD seems like a bad joke... The rank 3 amount is something I would expect from a useful on use magic mitigation effect. The minor Power seems quite nice if the boss dishes out periodic magic damage. So in short - I agree completely. Can't see that being used before Rank 3...
  11. Well for me it's the other way round ? I'm really glad we finally get to fly because for me, time travelled is mostly time wasted as soon as you've seen everything twice or three times already. If I want to explore a zone, I will do just that, and then the journey is indeed the destination. But most of the time I want to get stuff done and for that kind of content longer travel time is a nuisance. But I'm fine with having to put some work into the ability to fly and I think it's fair to not get flying from the get go. And it's true - you can either grind it out asap or just take a more
  12. But will it be able to move faster in/under water, as it's advertised as quiet hunter in the water? My guess would be nay, at least without the swim shoes equipment... If the quest is good though, I might do it with my hunter for the tamey/beast mastery stuff I still don't get why they have to remove features that made some mounts unique and added flavor to them. I mean, who had a problem with water striders being able to - well - stride on water? It's not like it was really hard to get one... I myself still don't have poseidus or any other underwater mount, but don't feel discriminated
  13. Basically this. Timewarped Gear scales to your level, at the moment you got the item. That goes for items dropped in TW dungeons as well as the ones you buy from the vendors. There is however another scaling going on: Your current gear, as in the stuff you wear when you enter a timewarped dungeon, will get scaled down, so it will have two different ilvls displayed, the "real" one in parentheses and the scaled down one in front of that. As soon as you leave the instance, the item will be brought back up to its "real" ilvl. So TW-gear does indeed scale, but not like Heirlooms, me
  14. I think it's pretty much arbitrary which dungeons they pick for TW - UBRS is missing as well. I you want to fish for a reason, they may not have wanted to include the mechanically "more challenging" dungeons. During Wrath Timewalking Pit of Saron is already pretty tight. It can be a real pain in the *filtered* if you run it with people that have never done it before. Imagine if they'd included the Oculus ? Even that reasoning, however, does not explain, why they would exclude the Depot. That one was not too complex iirc. Second phase of second boss is maybe slightly more complex, but n
  15. Resembles Tychus. At first I thought, well no *filtered*, some blue and it already resembles Tychus? But wait, there's more: It has to be a shoutout to Tychus, because he sports the same insignia/Sticker (the girl with the gun and probably the Ace of Spades) the cat has on its right shoulder on his armors left shoulderpad. The arrows and the skull are on his armor too. I can't really make out what's written on the back of the cat, but it probably says "suck it down". That phrase is – surprise – on Tychus' armor as well. So yeah, the blue tint is basically Tychus' armor in cat form. ? How
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