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About Iose

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  1. Iose

    HotA Barbarian

    I am confused. (mind you i have less than 2 days overall played time in d3.) How come Gold Find is ranked higher than Resource Cost Reduction? Shouldnt they be switched? If youre doing GR's, gold doesnt even drop; let alone not affect your damage / survival in any way. It makes sense to me if it was a typo and Gold Find / RCR was entered the wrong way around
  2. Have you thought of using mouseover macros? If i were to use a grid system to have enemy names in a raid frames like display, id have my dots macro'd to plan keybind being cast on target, but shift keybind casts on my mouseover
  3. Just wiped 3 times on Deepbeard +12 key. Bolstering Overflowing Tyrannical. What our problem appeared to be was the huge amount of Quake placement later on in the fight. At the start, theres few "Quake Locations", but by about 50% or under, theres no room at all around Deepbeard to move due to quake. We all had to completely stop DPS to avoid this. When me and the other DPS advised to the tank to, at 50%, move the boss to a clear part of the room, he raged at us. Saying no, never move the boss. Theres some "Huge aoe spell" that restricts him from doing so. If this is Ground Slam, ho
  4. Iose

    Havoc DH DPS help

    Thanks for your input everyone. Ill test First Blood > Bloodlet, however for single target DPS, First Blood is still better than Bloodlet? I find bloodlet as basically a free DoT, where you can put up whenever you have some down time within your rotation. Whereas, im theorising that First Blood is taking away from the amount of times you can cast Chaos Strike, due to its Fury cost. Also, should i be casting Blade Dance whenever its CD ends to make this talent worth speccing to? Lastly, are there stat caps that i can aim for? Unless Diminishing Returns with Stat Stacking has been r
  5. Hi, i am Iose, a newb ass 866 DH DPS. Can i please have some help to boost my DPS? This is my fight with Star Auger Etraeus, my most recent fight with current gear and talents shown on armoury. Thanks in advance
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