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About Morfraen

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  1. Did he have the retribution buff? Most top parses for ret have high uptime on that. It really makes it hard to compare.
  2. Was running some talent comparisons in simcraft, and the results did not line up with what I expected. For pure single target, it shows ES+FoJ+BoW, FV+FoJ+BoW, and FV+Zeal+BoW all being equal (less than 0.1% variance). Even FV+Zeal+DH is only ~2.5% behind. Was also surprised that even at 2 targets full aoe spec (Consecrate+GJ+DH) has a slight ~1.5% edge over FV+Zeal+DH. Is simcraft wrong, or has blizzard really messed up their tuning so we basically don't have a single target spec that gives a dps boost over cleave spec?
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