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About Wizarz123

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  1. Wizarz123

    DPS Help

    So should i be popping Vendetta and then vanish to rupture? Because what I have been doing is popping vanish applying rupture making sure i have no energy left and then popping vendetta. The other issues on Chronomatic is that our tanks do not like to move the boss to the adds so when we switch targets my bleeds run out before all the adds are killed. Also i appreciate help thanks guys =D.
  2. Wizarz123

    DPS Help

    So is there nothing wrong with how I'm doing my rotation for single target?
  3. Wizarz123

    DPS Help

    Hello everyone I'm having a very hard time having my dps over 500k and i feel that is very bad for my ilvl which is 888. Can anyone help direct me in the right direction as far as rotation and uptimes. My rotation consists on keeping rupture on 100% of the time as well as garrote. I'm using envenom to burn combo points and have surge of toxins up. I'm more worried about my single target dps which would be Chronomatic Anomoly and Krosus. Logs https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/Ax7hqXYvfzRCMnjb/# Armory http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/arthas/Suzumé/simple
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