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About Crucifixus

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  1. Thanks a lot for your answers! I guess I'll have to start learning simcraft to see what is best in that case. It's also nice to know that I can be a bit more lenient with handling the stats. I do also have the boots and the shoulders, but I guess the answer will stay the same for those options as well. I'll cross my fingers for the cloak as my next drop:)
  2. I am currently stuck between 2 builds: -The first has the legendary head & ring equipped and has an equipped ilvl of 894. It's at 30% haste and 34% mastery. -The second has the legendary head & bracers equipped and has an equipped ilvl of 896. It's at 31% haste and 39% mastery. It also brings 700 more strenght. my questions are the following: -How strict should we follow the 30% haste breakpoint? Should we do anything to stay around 30% or is it not all that necessary? -How big of an importance is the legendary ring to equip still? It's stats are
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