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About Nimweh

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  1. to an extent...gonna spend some more time doing some heroics to get some gear and practice my tanking... tanked the TW event last week... still figuring it out lol Main is a mage... not used to melee
  2. Appreciate the help Guys. Looking Forward to you detailed post Demonardvark :)
  3. Hi all, Long-time reader, first-time poster. I'm currently levelling my DK to 110 and I'm looking for some tips on how to set up my bars and UI for Blood spec. What position should I have my abilities in on my Action Bars and so on? If you guys could maybe post a couple of screenshots of your UI that would be mega helpful. I'm gonna go and do some more reading but I'd really appreciate any helpful tips/nuggets of wisdom you might be willing to share. Many thanks in advance Nimweh
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