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About Faelosia

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  1. No Mac version for Diablo 4 ? That's sad :(.
  2. I do not understand people that think Raider.io is useless or toxic. People requesting a 1500+ score for 10+ keys are toxic, that's a fact, but you cannot say that having a small but clear indicator that the guy has a certains score overall, a certain advancement in a sepcific key, a certain number of timed 10+ and 15+ keys is a huge benefit for the guys really pushing out there ! (which I'm not part of !). Blizzard doesn't provide good tools, let the community try to compensate ! (it's exactly the same issue with MDT and all the fuss that's been about it last month. If blizzard propose
  3. To me the Venthyr specific transmong disappeared, and I have the heroic weapon that I had from the item in CN, Now I can no longer apply any transmog to it, it's bugged 😢
  4. The soul ashes price is the same but you have to input the scrolls everytime you upgrade.
  5. Haha, met the guy on Hyjal last year. He was already playing in BFA and was staying near the Boralus Inn a lot :).
  6. Faelosia

    Command Table Tips

    Thanks ! I did not know that you can use the troops multiple times...
  7. At first i was pretty sure it would be a total failure too, and the more we learn the more i'm hyped... Honnestly, I think about 80% players will probably not even reach level max, but I'm pretty sure most of them will have a really fun 3-4 months on the game nevertheless. It's onlmy the PVE HL that I think will not really work out in the end :o.
  8. Well, while this is still very impressive he did use the buff from Bwonsamdi, which would lower the difficulty of the key in some way, so I suppose you could say the +13 run from S1 is still the "hardest" yet.
  9. Meh. Mechanic was easy but not that reliable... For instance, it would proc poison when a monk does WDP. That's not a movement comp, you indeed move but vertically, that was stupid af. Nerfing the poison is a way not to need dealing with acutal bugs it seems.
  10. Means that there are more than 10 Million people paying the monthly suscription again. Been a while since last time wow went over 10M. I even thought they decided no tto communicate on the number of players cause it wasn't fancy enough anymore.
  11. I think you're clearly misleading here pal. Antoher important thing that you seem to forget, is that armor is only relevant to physical damage. So when you're a mage, a UH DK, a WL, etc etc, you completely disregard the armor of the target you're hitting, and only care for their defensives CD.
  12. I'll wait for people to do the math, because I'm a lazy guy, but it would indeed imply that RSK comes again as a higher priority than BOK. Knowing this, it could also mean that Chi Wave coudl be back as the best mono talent of it's tier, while Chi Burst would be the best for AoE. (The main attract of Chi Burst is the Chi generation, that allowed another BOK to be cast.)
  13. Depends on one another. Personnaly I strafe with a and d, and 1234qerfg + mouse mid / side1 side2. (double as i have all the same + shift) Mouse vs keyboard is not a matter of macro TBH. Took me like 2 days to get used to it, I could never go back :-).
  14. Hey, I've been experiencing a bit of the same thing through raidbots. I wonder if there are issues with the simcraft templates, which I think in the end are used by every similar tool. Anyway my personal testing made me think that regardless of the changing information you can see anywhere, going Mastery (as much as you can), Haste (26%), Crit (20%) is still the best way to go. Same thing with the leggos, Chest + Shoulders are still the best combo in Mono. Regarding the trinkets, I'm going with the one of Argus and an Arcano (890). That's works pretty well if you look at my
  15. The thing is that there is no change with Antorus and the new set. The talents to go are exactly the same, and the new set doesn't change the way you play. So I'm not sure any further update is required to the guide.
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