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About Kurosu

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  1. Thats because beta in blizzard games is no longer about testing, but about promoting / adverstising the game through streaming services. The expansion launch and the months after it are the actuall testing. Win- win , right ?
  2. Except that saddy people mass- pre-purchaces shadowlands after the cinematic at blizzcon. The cycle just repeats. People will mass pre order diablo 4 and overwatch 2 as well. Everytime its the same. Of course some of us stop giving blizz money but as you can see their attitude not only continues , but gets worse. Which means they dont "suffer" economically speaking. And who cares about reputation when money flows normally.
  3. They advertised the reworked cutscenes to sell the product during promotion , but a few days ago they stated that they changed their minds and decided to provide something "close to the orignal experience because we believe thats what people trully want". If I was in US I would definately have attempted to sue them. I am suprised nobody has already.
  4. Like I said , I compared this with what every other platform does(as in, NOT bnet), I dont understand why people keep replying with Blizzard only politics.
  5. Well yeah its not a big deal but when it is literally the only company that does it its kind of ridiculous. I never take a day off for game releases regardless ( only did it once due to friday). Saddly what you said about 3 months for games to be finished is true. Every wow expansion is basically beta on release, because "beta stage" before release is in reality a promotion period through twitch streaming.
  6. Yes thats why I said other platforms. This is literally only happening on bnet games. The rest of the planet releases it normally. Even other American companies. In my country (eastern europe) the game will be released 1 hour after midnight, on 29th of January. Central europe will be midnight of 29th. This is hardly a "28th of January" release for anyone leaving easter of west europe.
  7. The way they did this europe receives the product on the 29th of the month instead of the advertised 28th. Yes I know what a timezone is. But this isnt a wow patch. When video games get released on other platforms its a universal release. Europe gets the date " first" ( so to speak due to timezone) because the date reaches "first". Not the other way around. The date of 29th wasnt even mentioned anywhere before today.
  8. If they had used the same skin,people would call them lazy instead. I guess people will always manage to find a way to complain.
  9. The fact that he cannot get beneficial effects by allies is balanced by the fact that he is Unstopable no matter what. And you cannot possibly ask for a character to be notably stronger than all the rest just because "lore". This is a MOBA.
  10. This is a feature that many other mmo's have yet for some reason its not implemented in Wow.
  11. 10k employed = its not such a big company . Well this conversation is beyond hopeless.
  12. Lets assume you are right(which you are not because your code argument is basically a recource. Or do you trully imply that they lack programmers at blizzard ? ). According to your logic it was obvious way before, that the game would not be done on 2019, yet it was originally implied on a summer released ,then they said "on or before december 31) and just a few days before release ( remove christmas and weekends and you are looking at merely 6 working days) they move it yet another month later. You are not talking about a small indie company mate. You are talking about a company t
  13. No matter how people dress it up this is straight up fake advertisment. Its blizzard we are talking about, they could make the promised released date if they trully wanted to. They dont lack recources. There are even a lot of beta testers since everyone that pre order is allowed to test the game. There is really no excuse. The game doesnt neet a lot of work either, the gameplay and the campaign missions are already there, its merely applying the reskin over them ( though I heard somewhere that 8 missions are being changed a bit ? cant find a solid source though).
  14. Transmogrifying legendaries ? Sure Illidan's claive's will be so "legendary" when every single dh wears them. Same applies for daggers on rogues , shadowmourne on dks etc etc.
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