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About Lestat777

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  1. The worst part is, it doesn't even need to require that much effort. What's to stop a human, night elf or gnome from studying the drust? Or night elf druidism, same for horde. No excuse imo. :/
  2. I actually read this in his voice too, soo good lmao.
  3. The surviving Night Elves and Worgen have already been refugees in Stormwind since prepatch of BfA. In fact since the Horde also ruined Gilneas in Cataclysm, BfA was the second time the Worgen were left homeless.
  4. Since all souls who arrive in The Shadowlands end up in The Maw, Saurfang's soul should be a Mawbeast of some kind anyway. (Unless there's a gap in my knowledge somewhere)
  5. If I remember correctly retribution paladin was pretty broken, fury warriors were monsters when they started gearing up in ICC.
  6. Well then, I guess it's a good thing this optional feature is optional for you. Hey?
  7. Whoa! I read that Yoshi was ready to discuss 7.0..did not realize he was ready to go this far into the future! : O
  8. The aforementioned for starters. But the biggest draw, would be an option to change my Kul'tiran druid so that he's not fat when he heals (or any other reason I'm in human form). Let me change to thin Kul'tirans or the human model as a Wicker druid and I'd resub in an instant to be honest.
  9. Thank you so much for this! As I'll be wrapping up my MSQ soon, it will be time to get my crafters caught up. This will be a huge time and energy saver, thank you! 🙂
  10. Big oof, safe to say some of the Scions make it based on the title. :/
  11. Not "easy," some of us have devoted the past 13-14 years into this game. I met my wife on this game, WoW means a lot to some of us, especially when it was our only friend through a rough high school. So yes, to see the developers make such drastic turns that are clearly hurting the game, of course some of us will be vocal about it, it's how changes are made.
  12. It's nice that the live-letters are translated on the spot now. It was so infuriating relying on third parties to make sense of what was going with them in the past.
  13. What I want, is for my KT druid to not be so fat when I heal. (Give me Leonidas/skinny human KT druids blizz!)
  14. Man, Blizzard's new president is making some damn good changes for this game!
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