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About jpdcarvalho

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  1. Guys, I need some advice, what should I use in antorus, regarding the T20 and T21? What do you guys, recomend? 4P T21 and 2P T20? 2P T21 and 4P T20?
  2. jpdcarvalho

    New Ring

    Keep using the soul and the prydaz. You should change the prydas IF you got the boots, the belt or the gloves
  3. Got it, I have all the leggo BiS, i.e. Boots, Belt, Talent Ring and the hands I'll try running a simulation to solve my problem, thanks for all the help guys
  4. Both acctually, LoL. I have a pretty decent trinket collection, but i dont know what to use aside of Tarnished Sentinel Medallion. I'll list what trinkets that I have Engine of Eradication ilv 885 Tarnished Sentinel Medallion 915 Craddle of anguish 915 convergence of fates 895 Tempered Egg of Serpentrix 950 Stormsinger Fulmination Charge 915 Chrono Shard 915 Thanks for the help!
  5. Hello folks, I've noticed that this trinket is currently nerfed. So as ask do you guys think is still worth it to use it? I was using the convergence and the sentinel trinkets (dont have a arcano crystal :'( ), and I've make a decent dps, but i have concern regarding this nerf. So what trinkets do you guys suggest? My armory https://worldofwarcraft.com/pt-br/character/azralon/visënya
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