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ShadowerDerek last won the day on December 15 2018

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About ShadowerDerek

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  1. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/heroes/t/why-does-no-one-take-varian-lion-fang-talents/26047 Lionheart is actually a trash talent when you do the math. It's the worst talent in his entire talent tree IMO.
  2. I think this is a bug. It happens after the recent patch, as far as I know.
  3. Nothing really. I just talked about my personal experience on Anduin, and that I prefer my Divine Star build: Bold Strategy Moral Compass Blessed Recovery Lightbomb Speed of the Pious Lightwell Varian's Legacy
  4. After some play-testing for a few days, I'd say this build is pretty good, IF you have a strong and trustworthy frontline. In this video, he has Johanna and Arthas as his frontliners, 2 of the best peeling tanks in the game. And he's playing at a high level rank, which means those players should know how to play tank properly. That way, he can have a lot of space and safety to cast Flash Heal at will, which makes this build really good to top his team off. That being said, I still prefer my Divine Star build, because I can rarely find a trustable tank who will peel for me and not d
  5. Cough cough Ana cough cough Nerfing Explosive Arrow won't do anything. It's Hanzo's ONLY source of waveclear. You can't afford NOT to take it in 90% of your game. Serrated Arrow is for mercs and Immortals. No, Ignore All Distractions does not give you waveclear because of his slow attack speed. And no, you should not pick Redemption since it's easily the worst Lv 1 talent.
  6. I've been seeing a lot more Renew Anduin recently, and it seems pretty good. This build is very similar to my Flash Heal build, but with W talents on 4 and 13. I'm gonna test them to see how they perform.
  7. We Asians have to wait until Thursday to get the patch.
  8. This interests me the most. Who will get the reworks? Dva? Garrosh? Or who else?
  9. Just gonna put this here. Shout out to @KendricSwissh for the video and build!
  10. I think this is meant to reduce the impact of displacement effects. No Chen nerf? This doesn't look like Blizzard at all. I'm super confused by this talent. Brands no longer consumed? Does that means you don't get the heal anymore? And doesn't get talents' effects that consume brands? Grenade build is not the only reason for Ana's oppressiveness. It's her healing output combined with her baseline range increase of her trait. You can't even see her when she's healing others, not to mention even if you attempt to reach her, she'll just sleep you and reposition. And her tr
  11. Watchh from 1:51. It's a bit trolly, but pretty stupid if you think about it.
  12. I'd rather stun-lock enemy heroes to win team fight and take the objective instead. So Rewind every day.
  13. @Oxygen is sleeping on the W build for so long now. This build pretty much showcases how insanely tanky Anub'arak can be. Lv 1: Nerubian Armor Lv 4: Shed Exoskeleton Lv 7: Chitinous Plating Lv 10: Cocoon (obviously) Lv 13: Urticating Spines Lv 16: Epicentre Lv 20: Rewind (again obviously) This video is a good example for how it works.
  14. Or he can just use Q and then barrel them.
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