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krapmyself last won the day on April 24 2020

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  1. Wait a minute... what's that about time warp? lol I forsee some epic trolling. I think I'll make a mage just for that and head on over to LFR for some shenanigans. Edit: After re-reading I realize I am dumb as a soggy brick. That said "anima power" and for some reason I read it as "Conduit Power"
  2. Why the hell don't they just put in a vendor with an upgradable armor set that you both buy and upgrade with valor tokens like with pvp conquest? the pvp gear system is pretty much a spot on perfect gear acquisition system.
  3. Guess it depends on the server. I frequently see some pretty heinous stuff said in trade and the people who say it don't go away unless you mute them.
  4. seems like a loophole using existing refund mechanics. Blizz probably doesn't have the code in yet that distinguishes the different types of currency for purchased items. I imagine this will get fixed eventually, though. probably using something similar to how the refund time will automatically expire if you equip or tmog a piece of gear.
  5. I really can't but laugh at this because the picture they use for Pelagos makes him look mean as hell, but he's actually super chill and a cool dude. lol.
  6. when we get flying, I wonder if blizz will put fatigue areas in between the zones so we don't just fly between them and skip oribos.
  7. From my guild's Discord after seeing this... heh.. can't see horns through helmets? Imagine being a tauren with a the longhorn horns and suddenly your massive horns just disappear when you slap on that helm. this implies their horns can go soft so they can fit into the helmet. which also implies those horns can become "erect" and "hard". ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  8. Guess when they did that month long timewalking thing, they finally learned timewalking was trivialized by legendaries.
  9. It may not apply to old school Forsaken, but it will for new ones. Also, "half" is the key word here. It's already in game that Sylvanas loyalists have mostly been rounded up and imprisoned. The undead wardens and nightelves who were raised at darkshore end up returning to their brethren after the fact with the help Lillian Voss. There's an in game quest for it. Also, Jaina's brother and Arthas cousin (or whatever she is to him), both of whom are now undead, also decide to return to the forsaken to help them, and neither of them are evil. This is also in game. "Beware the living
  10. That final line is particularly problematic, as a race that has the Cannibalize trait perhaps doesn't necessarily have the "tireless" drive to "protect" the living. Well, it's not problematic or contradictory at all. You can't use Cannibalize on the living. It can only be used on corpses. So by technicality, the new intro description can be completely accurate.
  11. So what your saying is we get to see what it's like to be Sylvanas... since we get to smash Nathanos.
  12. Yeah, the consistency of model updates/abilities isn't very good. I can walk into the horde throne room right now and see Garrosh standing there even after I've gotten "Veteran of the Fourth War" title because I didn't play MoP.
  13. Doesn't really matter to me one way or another regarding covenants. Because no matter what I choose, my resto shaman's Icy Veins introduction paragraph will start will "Most of all, restoration is a fun specialization..." while all the other healers will have things like "excels at", "brings amazing", and "fantastic at".
  14. Oh yeah, Vulpera on the way! Time to UwU all across Azeroth and beyond!
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