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ExorionAether last won the day on July 11 2019

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About ExorionAether

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  1. Reminds me of Overwatch. That aside I don't get why some people say that Diablo is dead now since Devastating Charge got nerfed. From my experience Fire Stomp Build was the best to begin with. Maybe I'm missing crucial info here.
  2. Good thing that will never affect me. Still, I like it. ...yeah yeah "but what about those that just had a disconnect uwu" but honestly, if the game required normal games played leavers could afk macro through them. And you definately can make sure that the chance of you getting disconnects is slim. Also, if you get disconnects multiple times, maybe you should not stick to online multiplayer games since it gives a negative experience for nine other players. Only thing that I could see as "harsh" is winning 3 games. Maybe a bit too much for a first leaver offence but aside from that I s
  3. Are they, though? If you move at 100% speed (100m per second) and get hit with a 50% slow, you will move at 50% speed (50m per second). Now you move at 110% speed (110m per second), so a 50% slow will let you move at 50% speed (55m per second). I mean, technically slows now do cut more distance. But that is because of the general increased speed, which still yields you a net gain. So in the end, even if you get hit by a slow, you will still move a greater distance in the same time frame than before, therefore still being more evasive / harder to hit. Unless my math is wrong. Feel fr
  4. ? Honestly I did not even notice this pun until you pointed that out. Comedy runs through my veins. Also: from what I've been told it seems that social media reacts rather strongly about the 10% movement increase and already demands this change being reverted. I personally don't mind that change so far and would prefer it being tested out more buuuut, ya know, the Internet does what it does best, I suppose.
  5. I'm super confused by this talent. Brands no longer consumed? Does that means you don't get the heal anymore? And doesn't get talents' effects that consume brands? I'm pretty sure it does apply each effect that would occur with a "Marked consumed", since it says that it will still be triggered, just not consumed. So each hit during those 3 seconds will probably work as it would've been consumed. Else that change would be strange. Aside from that: Looking forward to test out the changes for Imperius the most. Kinda surprised how much of a change he has gotten during this pat
  6. Damn, Oxygen. You have such amazing powers? Maybe you wanna voice more concerns regarding Orphea towards her designer...like when we will get summer skins for her? Regarding the topic: Since I did not install PTR, I am damn hyped finally playing Orphea on live. Hopefully it is gonna be fun.
  7. Paper Mario - Sticker Star would like to have a word with you. Aside from that: does not look interesting to me so I won't play it. Best thing you can do is speak with your wallet (or game time in this case). If no one is gonna play it (or does play it only for a little bit before de-installing it because of dislike), I am pretty sure this signal would prompt Blizz into rethinking their strategy. But people really should take step back until then. It is not out yet and maybe by the time of it's release it will be better than expected. Sure, getting some funny memes out of it is a nice th
  8. More buffs for Artanis, I like. Dunno if the buff to Psyonic Synergy will make it an equal alternative choice to Shield Battery but I won't complain about buffs, no matter how small. Better than constant nerfs, am I right? Not so sure why Tychus recieved his two new mini-buffs (although I won't complain), maybe someone can enlighten me.
  9. Everyone talking about the nice skins. But I sit here and decided that this will be another trailer track from HotS that get's to be a part of my music collection.
  10. Just to quote a reaction I had with a friend in UD while we had a Yrel on the enemy team: "Watch out! There's no damage coming your way!" I can't say how good/bad she is. I think I do not have enough playtime on her. That said so far I had no problem with Yrels on the enemy team. Also I did not feel much of an impact from her while she was on our team. Not gonna say she is SomethingSomethingPowered but at the moment I honestly can't say that I see her neither as a asset not a treat. Maybe the community just needs more time to adjust. Maybe I should pick her up myself full-time and see
  11. General HotS player: "Waaaah, that Bubble Hearth is stupid. You can never kill her and then she gets away safely. First Chromie and now this bs!!!" Smart player: "You know...she will be gone from the fight...so the enemy has no tank...that is almost a victory and as effective as if you would have killed her, you kno---" General HotS Player: "MUUU KDR!!!!!!!!!" Aside from that: Dunno what to think of her as of yet. Will wait until she gets on live (as to avoid potential changes of opinion with updates right before she goes away from PTR).
  12. "Whenever any Hero get's damage" As in how the current design is or do you propose Auriel should get energy every time her Bestow target (and/or herself) get damaged? Because if that was your idea for a rework then I would strongly disagree with going that direction. Sure, it would fit her theme with "Where's hope yada yada" but from a design perspective this would be a thing that no enemy on earth would like. Think about it: You, the enemy of Auriel, face off against her and the bestowed target. Now for every attack, skillshot etc. you land your enemy gets rewarded with a source for healin
  13. DIablo going all Fighting Game over here with these strings and combos. Looks interesting, can't wait to test it out once it is live.
  14. So, how do most of the Dehaka mains like the added functionality to Hero Stalker? Thanks to this he quickly rose to one of my favorite Heroes. I mean yeah I liked his kit even before the buff but I found it rather annoying that you never had any real chance of gaining essence while the fight went neutral / loss for own team. One-Who-Collects is really nifty for solo laning but you can't guarantee fights inside minion waves and also spending resources on them. And Hero Stalker pre-buff was more of a winmore talent with only giving you massive essence if you manage to down enemies. But n
  15. Buffs: 5 - More base health - More health regen - More basic attack damage - Double Jump no longer increases cooldown - Dragonblade damage increased Nerfs: 3 - Base cooldown on D increased - Range on E reduced - Dragonblade kills no longer reset E Unchanged: 2 - Agile Dismount cd reduction does not change uptime - Dragonblade upgrade gives back basic function Verdict: I would not call that "mostly" buffed. Yes, more buffs. But you have to put the changes into perspective. A bid more health and damage will probably not compensate for the loss in mobility (cd on D)
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