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About BAMFMoose

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/03/1983

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  • Location
    Dirty Jersey
  • Interests
    Gaming, music (i.e., grunge, hardcore.... as long as it’s loud), sci-fi, history, reading, and more gaming (D3 RoS)
  1. Not sure how you are playing or w hat your rolls are on items but that is simply untrue. I recently switched from running an m6 to a n6 m4 and because I had struggled killing bosses on T13 plus barely progressing past Gr80. Once I set up this build...I was a f,!*ing tank! This is by far the best build I’ve ever ran. I’m doing such high numbers of damage, yet I’m not fragile like my m6 (resistance to poison,arcane etc have tripled since the switch.) I can easily do GR 90s solo and even did a Gr 100 with a crusader. My question is re: AS rolls in general on this build. My AS is too high (it shou
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