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Borgoff33 last won the day on May 7 2023

Borgoff33 had the most liked content!

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101 Honored


About Borgoff33

  • Rank
    Grand Marshal
  • Birthday 11/20/1984

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  1. her people not have flat asses... all is truly lost for them
  2. would make Follower Dungeons next to useless if its like this on live
  3. so Blizzards moronic "justification" for no Earthen Death Knights is "Bolvar stopped making them after Shadowlands" lol sounds like lazy *filtered* Blizz to me
  4. i have to say for what you get $24.99 is one hell of a bargain (unless prices have changed for these items)
  5. Why? every allied race can be one so why not them
  6. beards on Dwarf chicks but i still cant have double D boobs on ANY of my male toons.. no wonder this game is dying
  7. i guess Blizz has no choice but to revert this guy back to lvl 10 cause this is "farming" and thats a no no according to Blizz
  8. they broke no ToS and farmed something not broken or bugged in anyway if Blizz is going to punish people for farming content in that way they will have to punish damn near all the WoW population
  9. an "exploit" (the way you are looking at it) means a bug in the system that they took advantage of and that is not in anyway what these people did. what they did was "exploit" (make full use of and derive benefit) from a non bugged farm that was designed by blizz to have the spawns it does so no none of them should face anything. they played the game as is and since this was a complete oversight that blizz never looked into its 100% on them the people did nothing wrong in a mode that will revert everything they did when its over.
  10. soooo they put a system in that pretty much revolves around farming mobs so people farm mobs that have a high respawn timer and now those people could face a ban/suspension... so pathetically typical of Blizz
  11. event or no reskin is the name of the game for blizz
  12. near 20yo game and 10years past the who cares mark since im sure if they do come out with one it will be super lazy (like most small things like this are from them)
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