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About Sleete

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  • Birthday 12/28/1953

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    Wales, UK

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  1. Sorry Positiv2, thought I had replied earlier. Thank you for the explanation, nice and clear, it makes sense now.
  2. Ok, just lost an Arena (free pass) and won a pack .... in it was this legendary Rattlegore The Deathrattle for this is .. Resummon this with -1/-1 ..................... How/Why/What does -1/-1 do ?? I did read the write up on it but I don't understand why it takes 45 damage to clear it for example Hopefully someone can explain for me, thank you
  3. I have just beaten her with this deck... First Try Stop Press: **** JUST USED SAME DECK TO BEAT THE NEXT BOSS, VASHJ , **** How to Play: Initially just keep healing the Hero, don;t put out any minions (if you feel you have to, then do so) Then when the quest Matures, now you start Keep taking her minions out with Spells preferably and build up your troops, hitting her as you go. Remember the first hit on her doesn't work and she retaliates back to that minion with the same damage. So... if you can.. make that a low hit with more health than damage. If you can
  4. 0-10 here, does nothing to get you even closae, and yep no turn 10. Shahraz is just too powerful for this deck imho
  5. Well having trouble with this deck.. all very well the guide says destroy the Shadowy when 2 or 3, trouble is your hit by them for 4 then 8. I'm not saying this deck can't win, But I think you HAVE to have the Perfect (or near perfect) draw to win this, this is Not a forgiving deck. Or maybe I am just playing it wrong? Ok ignore above.. I was doing it wrong. Once I thought a little I realised what to do.. I had two 21/18 minions at the end, and was full health. It IS a good deck, but you need to know how to play it properly.
  6. Well I messed up a little playing this deck but it is very forgiving and I still managed to win with 1 health left. I think maybe another AOE would help this deck, and drop the Shadow Word: Pain you face very few 3 or less attack, and maybe add another Forbidden Words Thats my take anyhow thanks again
  7. Great budget deck worked first time, thank you I like it very much What would be an upgrade for this deck, assuming dust wasn't a problem ?
  8. Thanks FanOfValeera I'm looking to create another - Different - primary deck anyways - so that helps somewhat.
  9. As for crafting,,,, yes trust the DE 33 it means you a 33 cards that are 3 (or more) you can't use them, dust them, As for when to dust or not? that's your choice Some people dust every card they will never use, Some people never dust! Me, I dust Golden - I see no point in golden, just a pretty animation, and you get nothing else, what's the point - the only time I keep a golden is if I just have 1 normal, once I get 2 normal, the golden bites the dust. I keep all the normal cards, ok I don't use 80% of them, but.. maybe in another meta that non-used card may suddenly be
  10. Hi folks, When DoD was announced I horded my gold! and with the freebies I had a Lot of packs. When checking on HSreplay I find that I have 222 out of 252, which - from what i've read before on this site - is pretty good going methinks. Now also previous reading would indicate it could take more packs to get that last 30 that to get the 222. So, if I may indulge myself, and call upon you experts out there to have a look at this list and say if any are worth using dust to create (notwithstanding that most peeps seem to say work with what you got rather than waste dust).
  11. Ok, so in principle you can't tell - however given people try to play the same or similar decks that are highly rated, then that's a best guess scenario. got that thanks
  12. Iv'e got a few decks together (resurrect Priest, Wall priest, Pogo Rogue etc,) and read the help about best way to play them. However they all say do this or do that if your against a control deck or an aggro deck or whatever... So......How do I Know what type of deck my opponent has ? I have no idea when I'm playing, though I do recognise a Wall priest or Pogo or other type of deck eventually( and some I still have no clue about), but then It could be too late! Is it just simply experience ? or are there signs when the opponent plays ? Thanks
  13. This is true, without a couple of AOE's it's very vulnerable - though when it works, it works very well.
  14. Well I was looking at that Pogo Rogue deck, as EVERY time I have faced one, I get destroyed. Now I accept I am still an inexperienced player, but It gets to a point that when someone plays Pogo, I inevitably quit the game. Seems most of the Pogo decks have a card to copy their minions and they - of course - copy the pogo and you are faced with multiples of them, Hate the damn things
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