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About JoshMoser

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  1. Leeroy is wild now?... so replace with Blazing Battlemage x1 for rounded ctrl in early game (idk) SN1P-SN4P for Vs aggro Valdris Felgorge Vs control this sound about right? all info would be great!
  2. Add Kun the Forgotten King But remove what?
  3. Can anyone plz tell me why this deck has Zephrys the Great in it? This deck has many duplicates in it... What am i missing?
  4. Here is a list of what i would consider not 100% needed. Anyone care to give thought on what one (If any) you think is worth replacing with Predatory Instincts 2x Pounce 2x Claw 2x Lesser Jasper Spellstone 2x Naturalize 2x Branching Paths 2x Swipe 2x Arcane Tyrant 2x Spreading Plague 1x Dreampetal Florist 2x Ultimate Infestation
  5. If you notice the ONLY beast card in the deck is 1x Gonk, the Raptor. If you add Predatory Instincts this will give you a better chance at not only gaining the most important card in your deck but also give it 18 health. Some times you don't get Twig of the World Tree and may be forced to play Gonk, the Raptor and hope it lasts a turn till you can use Faceless Manipulator or Flobbidinous Floop. I can think of a couple cards in this deck i am willing to lose so i can gain this amazing card. 2x Pounce 2x Claw 2x Lesser Jasper Spellstone 2x Naturalize 2x Wild
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