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About undecided11

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  1. think dude! I never said i didn't know how to use it. It is a seriously flawed addon that is ruining the game due to elitests thinking they are better than everyone when they use this addon,but the data is missing and its a bad addon. Learn things little kid.
  2. Seriously Raidier IO is a piece of crap addon and so are the people that use it. It doesn't adjust for carries in any matter. Its flaky due to seeing people with higher "IO" scores suck worse than people that have low scores. The creator of this addon should be punched hard in the face for screwing up the game with this addon.
  3. It is also before 9.1 release. Of course Blizz will announce this. Yes more anima items are on the horizon. If you have read past articles.... We will be getting WQ anima drops next patch to help with gaining more.
  4. Whomever has written the frost mage section should get fired. First off, glacial spike yes can hit for nice damage but without trinks or procs, its barely good. Getting mastery to a decent level is a nightmare period. Lonely Winter is better for starters. With the crit/haste ratio it is better than having a pet that roams like its lost period. 2nd, thermal void is still a great spell all around. also getting to 33% crit and 25% for a standard frost mage, is no walk in the ocean. They need to get new writers and stop with the same old boring so called know it alls that need to relearn the game,
  5. how about we wait till blizzard actually release's the date for 8.2.
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