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Found 641 results

  1. <Fun is for Casuals> is a serious but casual horde guild on US-Hyjal. We are serious about raiding without the intense hours. Even when recruitment status is none, we will accept exceptional applications for all classes. Our raid times are Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30PM to 8:30PM server (PST) wi...
  2. Welcome Adventurers! The time has come upon us, FINALLY! The moment in Classic WoW history us diehard, loyal WoW nerds have all been waiting for. WRATH CLASSIC! Arthas Did Nothing Wrong (ADNW) has just begun recruiting (For WotLK Classic) hard-core, casual, rp, pvp, pve, raiders, anything you can th...
  3. Jonesy0000

    Feral talents

    Hi Team I am recently returning from a few years away from the game and I have decided to go back to my much loved main throughout wrath, the feral druid. I have always been a cut above the rest and managed to be top dps all through wrath. I was reading your guide and noticed in the talen...
  4. Intergalactic is an AOTC/Mythic progression guild now recruiting for Shadowlands raiding and M+. We are a group of friends who were interested in the fun of raiding while understanding that life responsibilities take precedent. We are a combination of new and returning players from various expansio...
  5. Hey Everyone, So i play a Demon Hunter Lvl 120 with iLVL 464. My DPS in dungeons is just so low compared to everyone else and i dont know why. I was in a M8+ earlier and the ilvl 450 Tank was doing more DPS than I was. Any tips? Check out my gear/character, i think its all setup rig...
  6. Inevitable Destiny (H)Corrupted Destiny guild Skywall/Drak'thul US realm? Corrupted Destiny IS one of Skywall's oldest and largest standing guilds - very active with a large player base! We’ve always got something going on: mythic dungeons, normal runs for alts, I...
  7. Guild: Dawn of the Dead | http://www.dotd.org Faction: Horde | Server: Zul'jin (PvE) | Timezone: EST Current Progression: 8/9M BoD | 2/2H CoS | 8/8M Uldir CE We've been raiding max size raids continuously since WoW has been released and are the only gu...
  8. <Exo> is an old guild from Dragonblight which transferred to Stormrage in search of mythic raiders. We are a guild full of experienced raiders always looking to expand our roster. We are not a world first guild nor do we aim to be. Our primary goal is to get loot and have a good time, however...
  9. The Fever Clan Is recruiting more mainspec healers and dps for our raid group. We are a Horde guild on Mal'Ganis. Our raid schedule is Thursday and Friday 8pm to 11pm server time (9pm to midnight Eastern time). We also welcome anyone who wants to join our groups to push mythic keys or individuals ju...
  10. I came to Icy Veins to setup my Elemental Shaman only to find your Talent setup does not match what is offered in the game presently. Below I have listed what I see in my current in-game talent setup and bolded those items that do not match your setup at all. Current in-game Talents listed:...
  11. SERVER: Illidan RAID TIMES: Fridays & Sundays 10pm - 1am/2am* Server Time (CT) CURRENT PROGRESSION: 1/8M 8/8H iLVL REQUIREMENT: 365+ CURRENTLY RECRUITING Tank Healer Need Holy Paladin All DPS Pref Mage/Shaman for BL ABOUT US...
  12. Sillygurl- Deathwing so im fairly new to mage life and im really finding it hard to get a solid dps rotation.. Im obviously missing something but i cant figure out what. ive gone thru alot of other posts on here talking about it and ive followed the advice of some and still find my...
  13. Looking for a casually serious progression guild? Hordeland Security could be your new home! We started at launch, and have raided on Blackhand, Baelgun, and now Turalyon. We currently raid on Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:00- 9:15 Central Time. We understand that no one has an unlimited amount of ti...
  14. Hi everyone,We are a guild that transferred from Alexstrasza to join the progression raiding scene as that server is very low population now. We are currently 8/8N and 4/8H uldir, and looking to move into heroics soon and mythic just after. We do more than just raid, we love to do keys, transmog run...
  15. PinkSmurph

    Dps help

    Hi I am currently looking for people to pop into my streams and see if I can improve my dps rotation and all around wow play. Any feedback is appreciated Https://www.twitch.tv/pinksmurph
  16. SERVER: Illidan RAID TIMES: Fridays & Sundays 10pm - 1am Server Time. LEGION PROGRESSION: 2/11M at the end, started Mythic on every other raid tier. CURRENTLY RECRUITING Tank ABOUT US Now recruiting for BfA! Currently looking for a skilled and laid back Tank...
  17. <Abyss> is a Mythic raiding guild recruiting to bolster our Mythic raid team for BfA. We are a zero drama guild of adults who enjoy raiding progression content. The guild has been around since day one of classic. We have a relatively relaxed raid environment and solid leadership that encourage...
  18. Buksh

    DPS Help (Frost Mage)

    Hi all, Im not sure where to post this but im hoping someone can help or at least point me in the right direction. TL;DR - My DPS is awful and i want to increase it I played fire & frost spec back in cata upto 85 and have recently got back into WoW again and finally realised what peop...
  19. Hey everyone, So, I think my problem is my gear as I have been trying to rack my brain on why my dps is not that great in raids. Some of it I admit is probably not sticking 100% to my rotation, but any help/suggestions would definitely be appreciated. You can find the analyzer for the most...
  20. I'm not entirely sure what I am doing wrong that is getting me this result, but I am getting about a 30k dps difference on training dummy when I use a defile, clawing shadows, shadow infusion build than when I use the recommended talents. I left the rest of my talents unchanged and I have yet to see...
  21. <Pickle Palace> is a recently formed guild on Illidan, but is made up of veteran players who wanted to take a step back from semi-hardcore raiding. We are currently raiding Mythic Antorus (9/11), with our goal being to finish it out before the end of the expansion. Our community is actively playing...
  22. Hi everyone. I just killed HC Varimathras and I was surprised by my low damage. There was not second time warp because we used the first one at 20% HP but I think I should get higher numbers. Can anyone tell me what did I do wrong? Was it really only in TW? I do not think so :/. https://...
  23. VISIT OUR WEBSITE! SERVER: Illidan RAID TIMES: Fridays & Sundays 10pm - 1am Server Time. PROGRESSION: 2/11M, 11/11H LOOT STYLE: EPGP DKP Reloaded (What is EPGP?) CURRENTLY ACCEPTING (950+ ilvl) All DPS! (Healer offspec preferred but not required) Possibly...
  24. About us/What we're looking for :) We are a long standing guild on Alonsus (2007) with a social and a heroic raiding focus looking for players to join the raid team ready for Battle for Azeroth. As an adult guild with a focus on having fun and progressing at our own pace we're looking for...
  25. It's a few months later (what with delays and distractions and getting old and all that), but I just wanted to start by saying THANK YOU to those who helped me with amazing advice on levelling my fire mage alt. It made all the difference - you guys rock. I finally dinged 110 the other day and w...
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