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Found 95 results

  1. About: I've decided to make a guide on Leveling Heirlooms since I did not find any quick guides for it. This is my first guide, so please feel free to give some constructive feedback What are Heirlooms: Heirlooms are items which stats scale with your character's level, reducing the...
  2. I would like a lot some guides for rbg, i dont like arenas, i hardly do arenas, and i miss guides whit focus on rbg and specially for tanking in rbg, and thats it, would help me alot to start whit New classes and strategies. Please, this website is my jesus I'm a noobish pvper, never passed 160...
  3. Hey everybody! So the other day, I decided to make a 5-minute guide on how to play the Warrior class in WoW. It's not super in-depth, but I just wanted some good feedback from the Warrior community on this. Lemme know what you guys think! I also hope that this is able to help somebody out there. ?
  4. Introduction This build is fairly interesting, and relies on two commonly overlooked aspects of the Necromancer's kit. The first being Maltorius' Petrified Spike, a legendary item that boosts your bone spear by 700%, and Bone SpearTeeth, a skill that sprays half the map in death and shoddy dent...
  5. 1. Clemency 4. High Inquisitor 7. Zealous Spirit 10. either one depending on comp 13. Harsh Discipline 16. Radiance 20. if you went with sc at 10, the 20 sc choice is a must-pick. if you went with Divine Reckoning, Purge the Wicked or the 20 ult buff are the two options...
  6. I recommend everyone checking his channel. He does tons of video guides and analysis.
  7. Hello everyone! Here is something I wanted to do for some time now. I recognized that some people complain about the prize of Hearthstone or that you can only achieve higher ranks when you pay real money. I don't want to discuss this topic here (also I totally disagree ;) ). Instead I want to...
  8. Good day I've recently restarted my D3 experience and gone through the last 2 seasons. As many players can connect to I'm not entirely sure what items to keep and which not to. I first stacked and compared any legendaries but as the ancient items came along I mostly threw out...
  9. Hi ya'll - My Mission is to a make EVERYONE comfortable in PvP and have FUN knowing they're playing their class well, and are able to help contribute to the team. This should decrease the amount of griefers, salty dogs, ragers, and quitters in PvP throughout arena / bgs!! It's my goal <3 Pushin...
  10. Hey guys, Before you start any transmog farm ensure you have the following addons: https://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/lootappraiser https://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/tradeskill-master The farm i will be doing is located in the vanilla blackwing lair raid, This can be done wit...
  11. "For AoE there are two options. The first of these is Loramus Thalipedes' Sacrifice, further increasing the power of Fel Rush for each subsequent target you charge through, though recent changes have diminished how powerful this is. 7.2 has extended this to apply with the first target hit, but are...
  12. Hi, boys and girls! I recently played Evo-Shaman again (Brian Kiblers version basically), after having a lot of fun (and frustration) at the beginning of Whispers of the old Gods with an Evo-Deck and trying the Jade version in Mean Streets of Gadgetzan. But all the time I played it, it felt lik...
  13. Hey so as the title suggests I'm looking for a bit of information on the state of the specs for tomb as I have been asked to reroll to fill in some of the empty ranged spaces we have now found ourselves with in our mythic team and I'm curious as to which is going to be the overall "stronger" spec I...
  14. Hi all I put together a quick video walking through my UI setup for Elemental Shaman going into 7.2.5. I mostly PvP, but also do some PvE. Specifically the weakaura setup is really REALLY impressive - and it was made by a cool guy named Notes. I'll include the list of addons here too !!: L...
  15. I’m in the process of rerolling a tank. My question is: How do I know if I’m doing a good job? I currently play a hunter and as a DPS the metrics that I use to judge my performance are fairly simple. If I’m consistently sitting in the top X percentile of DPS for my spec and gear; and sitting...
  16. Since 7.1.5 it seems that Cinderstorm and/or Meteor are valid options and often outperform Kindle. How to properly include them in you rotation? Would be great if the guide would highlight the use of them. Questions like: Cinderstorm > Rop > Combustion > Instant Pyro > and so on ,...
  17. Wanted to share this:
  18. First of all, let's cover uploading your own logs: 1. Go to the WCL site and sign up. You now would be able to upload your logs, logging in with your username or via Battlenet after linking your account: 2. In order to upload the logs, you will need a client application. Download it...
  19. So I was curious. The Havoc Demon Hunter guide states that Crit and Versatility are the best secondary stats. However, there are very few pieces of gear that actually have crit and versatility. Most for DH's gear typically include crit/haste, or crit/mastery. Sometimes mastery/haste. I've seen some...
  20. Hello I understand many people need help with this class I am the person you can ask questions to. I can give pve and pvp guides depending on what type of person you are. I can also help with recommended gear and can even have conversations in game and give you lessons and pointers on how to improve...
  21. Hey guys, just wanted to ask if someone can help me with the Free Medivh! chapter in Karazhan on heroic difficulty? I literally tried for over 60+ times now but just can't seem to get any closer to a win.. I tried many popular decks like Kel'Thuzad Shaman, C'Thun Priest, Animated Armo...
  22. HOW TO ADD YOUR OWN SOUNDS There are several ways to attach custom sounds to events and abilities. The easiest way is to use the TellMeWhen addon: This addon has a huge amount of features, and can be overwhelming to try and figure out, but it's definitely worth the effort, becaus...
  23. Hi Lads IzbacivacX here again. We all know that pain in the *** when u suicide on Counter Strike Totem in 3s because you seen a totem 2 sec to late?! I found the Solution to that never happens again. If you like my Video be sure to leave feedback, then i will do more....
  24. Howdy, everybody! So with the release of Legion, I thought I'd make a more updated guide to the basics of the warrior class in World of Warcraft. I did this because my old guide was about 2 years old and was made when MoP was still current! Crazy, I know. But nonetheless, I made the guide so that I...
  25. OK, so in the section labeled "Opening Sequence" Furty has the priority setup like this: 4. Opening Sequence Use Potion of Deadly Grace. Pre-cast Incinerate at 5 seconds on the countdown. Pre-cast a second Incinerate. Pre-cast Immolate. I am probably reading this...
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