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Found 438 results

  1. GUILD INFORMATION: Guild name: Gordian Knot Faction: Horde Realm: Draenor (EU) Realm Type: Normal - PVE Current progress: Liberation of Undermine 2/8M Raid days: Wednesday, Sunday, Monday* Raid times: 20.00-23.15 CET Website: https://gordian-knot.eu/ Comms: https://gordian-knot.eu/...
  2. Come join Dragonglass on Illidan! Dragonglass is an 18+ friendly and semi-hardcore guild on Illidan. We’re a group of mostly longtime players, many of whom have played together in various guilds over the years. We enjoy mythic+, raiding, & leveling alts. We have consistently achieved AoTC for m...
  3. Raid/Class Spots Are Open To Any Applicant If The Player Is The Right Fit A guild formed with an ambition for progression and a love for M+ we decided to make the move from Silvermoon Alliance and form a guild to take our focus to the next level, Cutting Edge in 10.1 being the next step. W...
  4. About us We are a well established and organised Mythic raiding guild that strives to hold its members to a high standard both in skill level as players, and honesty, straightforwardness and good humour as people. This is how we are able to combine mythic progress at a higher level each tier wi...
  5. Arise - Kazzak EU (7/8M) is currently recruiting for post-raszageth reclears and season 2. We have open spots for all roles as some of our members will be rerolling for the new season. About Us We're a 2-day mythic raiding guild founded at the start of T25 The Eternal Palace. Our ambition is...
  6. Guild & Server: Aero - Draenor [H] Cross realm/faction: No Language(s): English Raid Times/Days: Wednesday/Sunday 20:30 - 23:00 Realm Time Current Progression: 8/8HC 3/8M Recruitment Contacts: Discord; Tomsen#7837 / ShaneyyM#5477 / STRYK3R#2394 REQUIREMENTS: Active M+ p...
  7. [H] [Tarren Mill] <Gambit> 2 day mythic raid team and social community! Progress: 8/11M Sepulcher of the First Ones (AOTC) Past tiers: 6/10M Castle Nathria (May 27th to June 14th only) 9/10M Sanctum of Domination Story: "Gambit" was founded in April 2021 under the name "Journe...
  8. [H][Draenor][Healer problem] was founded at the end of BFA and reinforced recently with a a group of old friends experienced in mythic raiding. We are bound by ambition to build a strong core of focused players for mythic progression while valuing players over the progress itself. We offer a mature,...
  9. Hey. I'm Justice, GM of <Indomitus> on Horde Draenor EU. <Indomitus> is a recently made guild born from the ambition and devotion of progression focused players. We have a strong core of players with Mythic backgrounds and we are eager to try for Cutting Edge in Shadowlands and so we formed <Indomit...
  10. About us: Looking for a new raiding home? <Concordant> on Turalyon is recruiting! We are a progression oriented guild consisting of working adults (18+). We work to conquer as much raid content as possible during our set schedule, as well as Mythic 10+ keys every week. We are a long-running gui...
  11. GUILD INFORMATION: Guild name: Accord Faction: Horde Realm: Draenor (EU) Realm Type: Normal - PVE Current progress: Castle Nathria 6/10M Raid days: Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday Raid times: 20.00-23.00 CET Website: https://guildsofwow.com/accord/recruitment Apply on website or add Sa...
  12. Syrup is a brand new and tight knit mythic raiding guild on Wyrmrest Accord! Our mandatory raid nights are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 8pm to 11pm Pacific. We have alt runs and Mythic+ events where we work to try and get our members geared and prepared for each of the weeks content. These...
  13. You read that correctly, one of the most iconic and long-standing guilds within the realms of Quel’Thalas and Azjol’Nerub is looking for new players to bolster its Mythic ranks. Tell me more, tell me more! Scion is a longstanding World of Warcraft guild consisting of both social and raidin...
  14. We are a newly transferred guild on Tarren Mill made up of ex Cutting Edge and Curved raiders. We are looking to establish a core raiding team for steady and relaxed Mythic progression. Cutting Edge is our goal however our main aim is to have fun raiding Mythic content in a friendly environment....
  15. Welcome to Team IV A group of friendly dedicated Raiders with multiple Cutting Edge kills. The aim of Team IV is to keep an enjoyable no drama environment while being focused on progression. We're looking for players that are interested in both playing the game at a high level and bec...
  16. The Final Verdict is een Nederlandstalige casual mythic guild, ontstaan tijdens The Burning Crusade. We hebben een hechte core, een ambitieus officerteam en een roster vol leuke, fanatieke individuen. Wij zijn altijd opzoek naar enthousiaste gamers die met ons keys willen pushen, raiden of social...
  17. Hello from <Jynx>! We are an English speaking Mythic Raiding Guild based on the EU server Kazzak. We have an enjoyable raid atmosphere for our raiders but still serious and focused towards getting cutting edge. Current Progression Ny'alotha (M) - 5/12 Ny'alotha (HC) - 12/12 N...
  18. Who we are: The Shadow Legion is an early evening raiding guild. Our goal is to try and clear the current content (Cutting Edge) as fast as we can and maintain a friendly and positive atmosphere. We are a group of friends who enjoy playing together no matter what the content is. Our guys come...
  19. Horde, Area 52, US We’re friendly people, and we like to play Blizzard games—usually together. We value friendship, kindness, open-mindedness, generosity, and bourbon. And World of Warcraft. Not necessarily in that order. Mythic+ Raiding PVP with @Auth’s OCD shenanigans...
  20. About us We are a newly formed Semi-Hardcore Mythic guild created by a core team of players of a former HC only guild, who achieved 4/8M EP as a small focus. Our current goals are to progress Nyalotha and the upcoming expansion Shadowlands, in a relaxed but still high-performing environment....
  21. Raid Days/Times: Wednesday and Sunday 7:00PM-10:00PM EST Overdraft is a fairly new mythic progression focused raiding guild however almost all members come from a history of pursuing and achieving Cutting Edge. We’re looking to continue a trend of progression in terms of overall realm...
  22. Region : Europe Server : Tarren-Mill Faction : Horde Raid Schedule : Monday and Wednesday 20:00-23:00 (Server Time) (19:45 invites) Raid Progression : 2/8M EP, 3/9M BoD, 2/2HC CoS and 2/8M Uldir We are looking for: For 1 Ranged DPS: Boomkin, Ma...
  23. Guild: Dawn of the Dead | http://www.dotd.org Faction: Horde | Server: Zul'jin (PvE) | Timezone: EST Current Progression: 8/9M BoD | 2/2H CoS | 8/8M Uldir CE We've been raiding max size raids continuously since WoW has been released and are the only gu...
  24. To apply: https://goo.gl/forms/YbKQRIcEyXt0XAaC2 Hello!! This is Starby from Velocity on Sargeras[A]. We're an established guild, that does mythic raiding in the morning/daytime. We're looking to enhance our roster with skilled and reliable players. If you're a mythic raider looking for a fresh...
  25. About Us: Two Strike Policy is a weekday Mythic hardcore progression guild on US-Sargeras. In our spare time, we run various high mythic keystones/carries. Currently we are recruiting for our BFA Mythic Team for the Raid Tier Battle of Dazar'alor and Crucible of Storms. We value camaraderie, c...
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