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Found 5 results

  1. +++ Viva Hollandia +++ zoekt nog een Raid HEALER! Social Team: Woensdag & Maandag van 20:00 - 22u30 (1/11 Mythic Antorus) WE ZIJN OP ZOEK NAAR EEN SHAMAN / PRIEST HEALER OM ONS TEAM TE KOMEN VERSTERKEN IN BFA! (eventueel een MONK mag ook :-)) Voor m...
  2. Presidential Status is seeking to fill out a competent raid team with some additional MELEE & RANGED DPS. [A][US][RUNETOTEM] <Presidential Status> Raid Times : SATURDAYS & MONDAYS 7:30PM REALM TIME Current TOS Progression : 9/9N, 3/9H, 0/9M Mythic Keystone + Groups : see guild chat...
  3. Delusions of Grandeur (H) is the top destination on the connected Uther and Runetotem realms for mythic raiding on a casual schedule. We raid 6 hours a week, Tuesday and Thursday 9pm-Midnight CST (server time). We have consistently pushed heroic and mythic content since Tier 15 and recognize that ev...
  4. Whiplash is recruiting new and capable players on the connected Kilrogg-Nagrand-Runetotem servers! Guild Intro/Info: Formed on October 2015 from two heroic Guilds that had bigger Ambitions. Our goal is to be a distinguished PvE guild and the in world in terms of community and fun. As such...
  5. Nøddepatruljen is a danish semi-core guild, that was formed during wrath of lich king with a group of friends that came from many different semi-core guilds, and wanted to form a guild, for fun and giggles, it ended up to being pretty serious, and we began recruiting, at that time we played as allia...
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