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Found 9 results

  1. Hello everyone :) I'm in a company which has a 3D mouse designed for graphic or 3D designers. I find the format suitable for video games and I would like to know your opinion on the subject. Our mouse is called "Lexip 3D", it has a joystick and a tilt allowing movements in 3 dimensi...
  2. This will be the primary discussion thread for DPS Warriors - Arms, Fury, & Gladiator - in Hellfire Citadel. For the most part, this thread will be a collaboration of useful information to make your life easier as you take on the Citadel. If you have anything to contribute, please do so and we'll be...
  3. This will be the primary discussion thread for Protection Warriors in Hellfire Citadel. For the most part, this thread will be a collaboration of useful information to make your life easier as you take on the Citadel. If you have anything to contribute, please do so and we'll be sure to add it to th...
  4. This thread is for all Shaman specs tips, tricks and discussions in how to best handle the various boss fights throughout Hellfire Citadel. Feel free to contribute or discuss encounter-specific anything. Hellfire Assault Iron Reaver Kormrok Hellfire High Council Kilrogg Deadeye Gorefiend Shadow-L...
  5. Hello folks, after some hiatus, I decided to give this game a 2nd try. But I ran into a big problem - I just can't win. My win rate is maybe abour 20-35%. Bigger problem is - I can't tell what am I doing wrong. And I would appreciate some help. Decks I am sure I have bad decks. I try to h...
  6. This thread will be for all sorts of tips for healing Highmaul, the first raid of the expansion. Feel free to post any additions to the list, or even discuss ones that are currently on the list. Kargath Bladefist Paladin Tips and Tricks: Use Hand of Sacrifice on the tank when they are be...
  7. This thread will be for all sorts of tips for dpsing Highmaul, the first raid of the expansion. Feel free to post any additions to the list, or even discuss ones that are currently on the list. Kargath Bladefist Paladin Tips and Tricks: You can use Hand of Protection to give the player t...
  8. This thread is for tips and tricks for each of the fights in Highmaul. Advice will be added to the main post as it is available. Please feel free to leave any advice you've learned from doing the fights. Currently I've only completed the first two bosses from a slow raid night, so more informati...
  9. I am trying to get some advice from other warlocks that have done 25-man heroic runs and found ways to make your DPS higher. I don't feel I perform poorly (excpet of sha of pride as I've died every time except this most recent one) but I definitely feel I could perform better, http://raidbots.co...
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