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Found 11 results

  1. Hello all, does anyone know if you have an old legendary/ancient/primal item that is missing an effect from a recent upgrade to game, can it be re-rolled in the cube to get the new effect? For example: I have 2 Etched Sigil One only casts Energy Twister, the others allow...
  2. Hello. I was wandering if it wouldn't be better to replace Convention of Elements ring for Ring of Royal Grandeur to reduce the set items needed and then your vyr's sightless skull replace with crown of the primus to have all slow time runes active because when you are in archon mode all those...
  3. Introduction This build is fairly interesting, and relies on two commonly overlooked aspects of the Necromancer's kit. The first being Maltorius' Petrified Spike, a legendary item that boosts your bone spear by 700%, and Bone SpearTeeth, a skill that sprays half the map in death and shoddy dent...
  4. Hey everybody, i've been theory crafting for a while on a LON Condemn Crusader https://www.d3planner.com/704716248 The main point of this build is of course focused around condemn but also equipped Justice Lantern and Akarat's Awakening. and passives+spell effects to reach an effective 100%...
  5. All credit goes to Wrechanoth @ DiabloFans.com: Link <--Direct link to Build I have been using this build since the Necromancer was released Nowhere near mid-tier build, but fun to play and fairs pretty nicely when completing season journey.
  6. Hello one and all, I represent a discord gaming community full of active blizzard forumers as well as Blizzard game enthusiasts. We have members from all across the globe so no matter the time of day/night chances are there are people on and playing. Very active, helpful, positive, and encourag...
  7. Hi All, I've created an excel file calculator for best GR level to chose in order to get most XP/hour ratio. Check it out and let me know what do you think. Comments are always welcome! Hope it helps! Cheers
  8. Anyone know if the Broken Crown (aka The Ancient Crown of Rakkis) https://us.battle.net/d3/en/item/broken-crown#latest still drops? It used to spawn in Leoric's thrown room after the boss fight. A couple dropped for me, but that was long ago. Unfortunately I lost my only copy on a hardcore DH be...
  9. I am fairly new to Icy Veins and I noticed that the list of builds for the Monk is missing 2 builds from the top builds. There is no Inna LTK build and no Inna 6 / Uliana 4 build. Both of those builds had good results in the season and are both capable of 90+ GR clears. The Inna 6 / Uliana 4 build s...
  10. Hi, I am doing some videos on different topics as Bandit Shrines TX Vault Highest possible Grift on some classes Builds Farming and loot Some rare Rift Spawn etc... If you want to watch them here's the link to my youtube channel www.youtube.com/channel/UCcxtqNULK4VlFLZpPX9NrBQ Remember it is...
  11. So I brought the game last week just before the special expired, and started grinding though the campaign. I finished the Reaper of Souls campaign and started Adventure Mode as Master difficulty, leveled to level 70 and increased the difficulty to Torment. My question is: What now? Apparently I...
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