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Found 42 results

  1. Critical Experiment of Draenor EU - a late night raid guild LFR Raiders for 9.2. Especially DPS Current Recruitment can be found at : http://critexp.enjin.com/recruitment -note: We will consider all good applications -socials are welcome to join. Critical Experiment is based on th...
  2. Hey. I'm Justice, GM of <Indomitus> on Horde Draenor EU. <Indomitus> is a recently made guild born from the ambition and devotion of progression focused players. We have a strong core of players with Mythic backgrounds and we are eager to try for Cutting Edge in Shadowlands and so we formed <Indomit...
  3. Evening ladies and gentlemen just a quick question about getting the Bigger is Better quest to upgrade the Garrison to level 2 on the alliance side. I've set up a lot of characters for zones using chromie time and i've got all of them set up with garrisons for professions and other stuff. a...
  4. Hello Everybody, we are recruiting! Our group is one of friends, who push each other towards excellence in-game while maintaining a healthy sense of humor and a clear sense of direction. We have a low tolerance for drama and do our best to develop a positive in-game environment. Rocket Sur...
  5. Who we are: The Shadow Legion is an early evening raiding guild. Our goal is to try and clear the current content (Cutting Edge) as fast as we can and maintain a friendly and positive atmosphere. We are a group of friends who enjoy playing together no matter what the content is. Our guys come...
  6. About us We are a newly formed Semi-Hardcore Mythic guild created by a core team of players of a former HC only guild, who achieved 4/8M EP as a small focus. Our current goals are to progress Nyalotha and the upcoming expansion Shadowlands, in a relaxed but still high-performing environment....
  7. Who we are: The Shadow Legion is an early evening raiding guild. Our goal is to try and clear the current content (Cutting Edge) as fast as we can and maintain a friendly and positive atmosphere. We are a group of friends who enjoy playing together no matter what the content is. Our guys come...
  8. Guild Name: Atrum Veneficus Faction: Horde Realm: Draenor EU Realm Timezone: CET (GMT+1) Hello, we are a raiding guild that is looking for skilled, dedicated and mature players in order to empower our raiding team. We aim at progression without losing the element of fun during th...
  9. <Konfluens> Hello! We are a swedish speaking guild that is recruiting swedish speaking players for our mythic progression roster. Nordic people who understands Swedish is fine aswell. We have had a break since ToS came out and we are starting up again, we started up in another guild and no...
  10. Echo is a new project guild that wants to create a friendly and progressive environment.However,during progression our members are expected to have a great deal of knowledge regarding their class and have the obligation to research encounters on their own before the raid leader goes into detail abou...
  11. Outlawed is currently recruiting for current content and looking to increase our raiding team to progress though Antorus. We are based on Dreanor and are a Horde guild. Outlawed has been together for over 1 year and consist of a mixture of UK, EU and South Africa players, with English being the...
  12. Outlawed is currently recruiting for current content and looking to increase our raiding team to progress though Antorus. We are based on Dreanor and are a Horde guild. Outlawed has been together for 12 months plus and consist of a mixture of UK, EU and South Africa players, with English being...
  13. First of all, Hi! Thanks for clicking on this post. Mischievous - New Horde Guild on Draenor We are Mischievous. A small community of friends looking to get a foot hold in World of Warcraft. We have a discord channel, where we play an array of other games also. Currently, looking for...
  14. <Prosperitas - Draenor EU> is currently recruiting the last spots for its mythic raid team. Raiding Schedule: Wednesday: 19:00 - 22:00 Server Time Thursday: 19:00 - 22:00 Server Time Sunday: 19:00 - 22:00 Server Time What kind of guilds is Prosperitas? We consider ourselves to be a...
  15. Origin Recruitment After losing some players to attrition following EN/ToV, we are currently seeking a few players to complete our mythic raiding team for Nighthold, with an emphasis on Healers and ranged DPS. In the meantime we will be gearing off regular heroic NH clears. Who are Origin? O...
  16. Respawn is a guild created by two guilds that became one, who wish to progress relevant content in a non-toxic environment.Expect a laid back environment off-raid times.However,during progression our members are expected to have a great deal of knowledge regarding their class(including spec and offs...
  17. <Triggered> - Draenor are currently recruiting! We are a friendly English speaking guild who are progressing in Nighthold Mythic currently 7/7M 2/3M 1/10M Requirements: - Ability to raid Wed and Thurs 19:55 - 23:00 server time (with optional extra raid days on Sunday and sometimes Tuesday)...
  18. <Origin> Who are Origin? Origin are a newly formed raiding guild, but long standing community. Origin was formed by a group of friends with the goal to complete the hardest PvE content in World of Warcraft. The community within Origin is long standing, consisting of friends made in rea...
  19. ABOUT US Procrastination is an ambitious semi-hardcore raiding guild, based on Draenor EU, founded in mid 2015, shortly after the release of Hellfire Citadel, under the name ‘Elite Slackerz’ after a bunch of old raiding buddies decided to transfer servers and start fresh. The guild has been rename...
  20. High Tech, A little info about us - We are a semi serious guild that raids three days a week on Draenor. We have been around for quite some time now and we are in need of a few dedicated and experienced healers as well as ranged DPS for our main team. If you feel like you can perform to a high...
  21. <And Their Stupid Friends> is an active, friendly guild made up of irl friends, old guildmates and awesome people we have picked up on our way towards higher tier raiding. We are located on Draenor EU, horde, and our team is currently in need of more great people to join our dps roster. Our progress...
  22. bubsey

    felwort analysis

    felwort analysis - herbs quest line im on the last analysis lohor, draenor, gorgrond i havent quested here as i have come from leigon. got to the portal did the 1st few quests i can go anywhere with out respawning to the beginning. i have followed a group of guys to a alter, there are no quest...
  23. <Prosperitas - Draenor EU> is currently recruiting the last spots for its mythic raid team. Raiding Schedule: Wednesday: 19:00 - 22:00 Server Time Thursday: 19:00 - 22:00 Server Time Sunday: 19:00 - 22:00 Server Time What kind of guilds is Prosperitas? We consider ourselves...
  24. Purified (formerly Tainted-Draenor) is being reformed for Legion with the view of Mythic Raiding. We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild with having cleared tiers while current with ranks in the top 500. (http://www.wowprogress.com/guild/eu/draenor/Tainted) Currently Recruiting We are currentl...
  25. Váde Enim is a friendly guild on Draenor EU We are currently 7/7 normal and 7/7 heroic We are looking to expand to a 20+ man team and tackle mythic content. We cover a number of events in guild including alt raids, mythic dungeons and mythic + content. Raiding days are Wednesday a...
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