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All applications will be reviewed and considered however if you are playing a class/spec combination we need then your chances of joining will be higher. A little bit of info about us: We are a group of friends and serious raiders...
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============================================================= This thread will be used as the round table in which we discuss our Tier 18 set bonuses, warriors! This tier brings us the Battlegear of Iron Wrath which is obtained in Hellfire Citadel. As with the last tier, we have three different...
- 8 replies
- Tier 18
- Warrior Set Bonus
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US HORDE 741 12/13 MYTHIC TANK IN SEARCH OF MYTHIC RAID TEAM Chronìcfury-Area52-US Available Weekdays 5pm EST - 10pm EST Friday evening, Saturday, and/or early Sunday. 5pm EST Friday - 9pm EST Sunday 795 ring Self sustaining heals - doesn't die Reliable and punctual - always shows n...
- recruitment
- guild
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It is pretty common Nowdays for players to ask Gold from other players in order to help them get an achievement or loot or even just the experience of a high end instance, That's pretty good, since players that have an xxx amount of gold to spend have the chance to experience the game more and even...
<Neonmoon> is an Aerie Peak Alliance guild that is 5/13M and raids on M/W/F from 4:00am - 7:00am Pacific (9:00pm - 12:00am AEST, 7:00am - 10:00am EST or Aerie Peak server time). We are pushing mythics now with the goal to solidify a solid mythic group for Legion. Currently recruiting exceptional dps...
US HORDE 741 12/13 MYTHIC TANK IN SEARCH OF WEEKEND MYTHIC RAID TEAM Chronìcfury-Area52-US Available Friday evening, Saturday, and/or early Sunday. 5pm EST Friday - 9pm EST Sunday 795 ring Self sustaining heals - doesn't die Reliable and punctual - always shows never misses raid Pla...
- recruitment
- mythic
- (and 4 more)
Hello, I've been mythic raiding as a hunter for a while but recently changed my main to Mistweaver for HFC. I don't have a ton of experience healing mythics, but I feel as though I am not getting the output I should be, I was hoping someone could potentially look at my logs and see if I am making an...
- 6 replies
- mythic
- mistweaver
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<Fury of an Empire> (13/13H 1/13M) on US Lightbringer [A] is a friendly but committed guild on mythic progression. Our core raiding times are Tuesday and Sunday 8 - 12pm EST. We are currently recruiting ranged DPS and healer (non disc priest) to have a stable and solid mythic group, preferably...
- 1 reply
- Fury of an empire
- guild
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A collaboration of monk tips, tricks and strategies you may have going into the 6.2 raid tier, Hellfire Citadel. All information here is assumed Normal or Heroic only Hellfire Assault Iron Reaver Kormrok Hellfire High Council Kilrogg Deadeye Gorefiend Shadow-Lord Iskar Fel L...
This will be the primary discussion thread for DPS Warriors - Arms, Fury, & Gladiator - in Hellfire Citadel. For the most part, this thread will be a collaboration of useful information to make your life easier as you take on the Citadel. If you have anything to contribute, please do so and we'll be...
- 8 replies
- Hellfire Citadel
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Dawn of the Undead <10 years and rolling on> Who we are: We are Dawn of the Undead in Turalyon EU server (Doomhammer as well), currently the holder of 10 years of guild history and driven to move forward in this expansion. The guild has been around for all these (long) years while holding on t...
- Recruitment
- Guild
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The Gnoman Legion is a newly formed guild mainly made up of vertern players enticed back to the game by Legion, We will be running HFC progression every week and will be moving to Heroic as soon as all new members are geared. We are a casual guild who's founding members have experienced the top end...
This will be the primary discussion thread for Protection Warriors in Hellfire Citadel. For the most part, this thread will be a collaboration of useful information to make your life easier as you take on the Citadel. If you have anything to contribute, please do so and we'll be sure to add it to th...
We are recruiting for our new raid team. Hellfire Citadel Exp required. What we are looking for: Tank: Warrior Druid Healer: Druid Priest Paladin Shaman Damage: Warrior DK Rogue Boomkin Hunter Elemental Shaman Shadow Priest Warlock Anyone else that is i...
We Raid Friday and Saturday 7-10pm server. We are 13/13 Heroic . Trying to get into Mythic but we are a few people shy of the required 20 man. If you are interested you can whisper me in game. Just search for WDFA and look for any name that begins with Bro or you can whisper Tese (GM). You can also...
This thread is for all Shaman specs tips, tricks and discussions in how to best handle the various boss fights throughout Hellfire Citadel. Feel free to contribute or discuss encounter-specific anything. Hellfire Assault Iron Reaver Kormrok Hellfire High Council Kilrogg Deadeye Gorefiend Shadow-L...
- 13 replies
I am having a lot of trouble with single target or mostly single target fights on my shaman. I cannot even pug archimonde because my dps is so bad it's a bit embarrassing. It gets a little better in p2 with all the little demons to aoe but I've been in a couple pugs where we'd wipe in p1 and my DP...
We are the only organized late night raiding guild on Turalyon. If you are insomniac or simply you have better things to do earlier and you are able to raid starting from 11.30 pm (server time) then this is the guild for you. If you enjoy relaxed style and mature attitude, then apply, you will...
Hi everyone! Catbus Raiding Academy is recruiting for more raiders for core raid spots, our current progression is 13/13 N and 10/13 H in HFC. Raid times are: Fri/Sat 10PM-1AM EST (server time) We are looking for players who can make the raid times consistently, would like to raid with a dr...
Hello, I'm from Forlorn Hope. We are an Alliance raiding guild on Mok'Nathal. We're currently looking to replace a few people who are stepping back from raiding due to real life obligations. We're a casual fun raiding guild that wants to down as much content as possible without taking things too se...
Upon hearing of the nerf to the Empty Drinking Horn, is the BiS trinket list on icy veins still current? or will Unending hunger > Empty Drinking Horn on most occasions now
- 2 replies
- Hellfire Citadel
- (and 5 more)
Hello guys, I have some question about set at warrior fury. I have 2/4 set bonus and is good choice take a FURIOUS STRIKE?? Or Sudden Death?? Here is my warr Ty for answer
From Ashes is looking for more to finish this expansion strong. We are currently 12/13 N HFC and looking to push H HFC but need people. Currently looking for Healers and DPS, but all players are welcome to join. We want to build a strong social guild so we can hit the ground running in the new ex...
- From Ashes
- KelThuzad
(and 4 more)
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