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Okay so between Nelf and Human rogue my questions are this Doesn't the weapon skill see a diminishing return? Is the dps difference actually there? Also shadowmeld vs perception: I don't understand why shadowmeld isn't considered to be the better choice? Reasoning being that a nelf sho...
Ok guys, since we 're getting new races, here's a few questions: 1. Since we're getting the Zandalari as a playable allied race, does it mean we'll get the Mogu as well? Since they were old allies of the Zandalari and they fought the minions for the Old Gods (they were basically created for th...
Hey, Am looking to return to the game and thinking of trying out the new DH too... Likely Tank, but since I rolled DPS before that might be the way I go. Is there any racials that benefit Tanking or DPS now... or not much in it really? Thanks, Msa.
Hi I'm a total WoW beginner and want to place an outlaw Rogue. The question I have is, which race should I choose for a PvE Alliance Rogue? Thanks in advance.
Hello my dear hunter friends! For new expansion I'm comming back to Burning Legion EU, horde side. Since im standing in front of race choosing problem i wanted to talk a little about current state of racial-hunter-dps matter. First of all i was thinking about choosing Orc. Lets look now...
So, i've been rocking this thought of Race changing my Undead Warlock. I really do feel like Undead is the Race to be for a Warlock, but lets face it, their Racial is a Joke in PvE. I dont play pvp EVER, so i dont care about Will of the Forsaken. So now that i've built up some momentum of how i...
Title. I'm about to server/faction transfer (tomorrow, actually) - does anyone know what the best race is for raiding as fire? It must be between Pandaren, Orc, and Troll - I'm just not sure which. Has anyone got the scoop?
Just an Idea that I posted back when you guys did you contest but how about another feature of this site is a real time count on the high ranked guilds and watching them and seeing who gets world first/ server first's and others. I know some of us on the site are into heroic progression and are inte...
For Arcane Mage PvE race. I hear that Panda food buff is better then Gnome mana pool. Thoughts or math on this, and any other comment as to the best race for PvE Ali Arcmage.
So, I have decided to make a new toon on a new server. Lets get to why and what I am making, so "why" thats easy Night Elfs are epic and nothing compares no matter where you look Elfs rule the lore. Now thanks to a new and good friend Nyxxiana and the Angels At Arms. now to what I am doing, I have a...