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Hit Rating - draenei shaman

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When using Ask Mr Robot often, make sure to use their "Refresh From Armory" button after loading your character. Otherwise, they will use a cached profile of your character which is not necessarily up to date.

As it stands, your character has 15.21% Hit, which means 16.21% when taking your racial into account. If I ask Mr Robot to optimise your character, it ends up at 14.87%, which seems correct to me (13.87% from Gear and 1% from Heroic Presence).

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Please do, it can also be a javascript issue or something odd, in which case, we need to let them know what is happening exactly.

In any case, you can count on us to get to the bottom of the problem you are encountering ;)

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Animux, I'm from Ask Mr. Robot, and wanted to stop by and help.

First, I want to note that Mr. Robot accounts for your racials. You get 1% Exp for being Draenai, and Mr. Robot knows this. So when he says you are at 14.84% hit, he is already adding the 1% Exp racial into that total. So you should NOT add it yourself, thinking you're at 15.84%. Does that make sense?

When I plug in your character, Mr. Robot gets you to 0.16% under the hit cap. In this setup you get 176 extra INT and 194 extra Spell Power, both of which are really important for your spec.

Then I checked the option to force the hit cap (a new option we launched a couple weeks ago). Now Mr. Robot gets you to 15.20% Hit, but you don't get the extra INT or Spell Power. So it's up to you which one to choose. Here's a link to the hit capped version.

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Good point, but......as for me, I knew I should not have more hit rating, instead it is inconvenient warning that appears. For one who does not know what it is about or less knows his race may be a "dangerous" warning. The question in this case is the warning that appears in the box is a bug?

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So is the problem now that there is an error message on the page? Is that the picture that you posted? It looks strange. Does NOT look like something AMR intended (to me - I am completely not associated with AMR).

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