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10man Gara'Jal unit frames and buffs question

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I'm trying to find a way to track the buff power of each person in the spirit world, I currently use weak aura's and took a look at Gara'JalAnnounce however that only shows the buffs after they exit. To my knowledge weak aura's will only display your buff, but I may be wrong as I've seen conflicting reports of it being used to track other's buffs as well.

Also a quick question about which dps to send in, given our current composition -

Currently using 2T 3H 5D

Tanks = pally/dk

Healers = disc priest/resto shaman/monk

DPS = warrior/kitty/arcane mage/fire mage/ele shaman

We've been trying to pair the melee up on the first two totems so they go in and get buffed first(after heals buff themselves ofc) and having the warrior/kitty stay in a few seconds to help nuke adds and let the mage do clean up til about 2 or 3 seconds left.

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What exactly are you trying to track? Spiritual intervention? If so, what part of it do you want to see? if not, what are you trying to track?

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I'm trying to track the power of the dps buffs i.e. what % they have while inside the spirit realm. I'm aware of the combat log problem(not being able to log inside the spirit realm) so not sure if it is even possible. So what ever the name of the buff that the dps get is what I want to track, but I want to be able to track what inside the spirit realm.

This way I can give the import strings to my other healers and they will also be able to track their spirit world groups buff % as well. It will simplify this fight so much just by knowing what percentage people are @ in the spirit world. I'm aware of the article on mmo-champs that has the functions for viewing your own buff, I want to display the other peoples buffs in the raid as well though.

Edited by jakkob4682

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Well, I personally can't do this. I'm sure weak auras CAN, but it will probably take custom strings and some LUA programming to be ale to do it. You can try asking on the Weak Aura forums to see if anyone has one made or can make one.

I can't remember if the buff tooltip actually tells you what you are gaining, but it the tooltip says it, I'm sure someone knows how to write a custom trigger to grab it.

Sorry I couldn't be more help and good luck!

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yeah no dice : / blizz needs to make "nested zones" parse-able, since its basically a nested array in terms of programming I can't see why they didn't fix this after DS ala Ultraxion.

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First off, you should really try and 2 heal this fight. My group 3 healed to learn this fight and hit the enrage. After we swapped to 2 heal we downed him np.

Second, I wouldn't worry about tracking the buff. 2 healing will provide enough dps to kill him and the only people who really need that buff are the healers.

Now as far as who should go in:

You want to pick 2 ranged to go in with a healer each time. My raid uses our ele shammy and hunter. The idea is for them to go in with Healer 1 and just kill every single add they can for almost the entire 30sec duration. Then they pop out and go right back in with Healer 2 (or healer 1 again if healer 2 is voodoo'd).

Having those ranged stay go in makes it very easy to keep the number of adds down which will ease the dmg your 2 healers need to account for. We found melee were best kept on the boss. I dont know how mages will fare in there so this is something you will have to play with. Not having to run all over the place to kill the adds is a huge advantage though.

Now, because you are 2 Healing and sending the same 2 ranged in each time, you will rarely have to use a backup dps other than for the very first totem. As soon as you get both of your ranged inside the spirit realm they will simply stay in for 25 secs, pop out and go straight back in with either Healer 1 or Healer 2 depending on who has voodoo and who went last. Your ranged wont be getting voodoo because they are inside the spirit realm most of the time, killing adds.

The reason you need a backup for the first totem is because voodoo dolls will cast once before any totems go down. This means 1, or potentially both of your chosen ranged may get voodoo'd. If this happens just send your backup. On the next totem both of our chosen ranged will be able to go inside. After that, there will always be a totem waiting for them when they pop out of the spirit realm. Just make sure a healer is with them and send them right back in.

Simply use raid frames to see who will be getting ported when the totem dies. It is a little purple blob on default blizz frames, so I just look to make sure it is on both ranged and a healer, then I give them the ok to kill it. The only other thing to watch for on raid frames is Voodoo.

I hope this is clear. I will be glad to clarify if need be.

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