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    • By Rhoanbirch
      So I have recently returned to raiding, and am playing a disc priest for the first time. This is the first time I have raided as a healer, but have tanked and dpsd in quite high end guilds in the past. I am rather competitive, and another disc out healing me tonight has prompted me to make this post.
      I don't feel I am doing anything hugely incorrect, but any tips you can give would be very much appreciated.
      The logs I am linking is our normal mode clean up raid, and being so, we had our tank healing in terrible gear at some points, had 2 warriors tanking at others and 2 discs healing the whole way through, not to mention boosting a social from the guild. Needless to say, not a great raid set up. As well as this, I don't actually feel preformed to my usual standard, but that's probably an excuse I am making because I got out healed >.>
      Anyway, without further ado, here are the logs:
      Here is my armoury:
      And here is the other disc:
      Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
    • By CameronHuson
      Hey all, this is my first time making a forum post here, but I felt that I needed to ask the community this question...
      I was looking at World of Logs records for various SoO bosses, and i saw that some players in the top 10 had about 20 million damage done, whereas others had just off 200 million, when looking further I noticed that:

      As is the case with this mage, they performed a powerful burst opener, then wiped on the boss, and when uploaded to WoL it counts the same on the dps counts, thus enabling players to perform powerful openers and deliberately wipe in an attempt to set high records.
      Is this true, or am I seeing things?
      Thanks for your time :)
    • By Shulax
      Hi folks,
      It's my first time posting here, so thanks in advanced for the help... I leveled as Destro but switched to Affliction when I started raiding because it seemed like the best option. I've come to like it a lot, so I decided to continue with it. I'm a bit frustrated, though, when I look at my performance (specially if I compare it with my guilds SimCraft results and I look at my ranked level in World of Logs). I feel that I should be doing a better job as a DPS, but I'm having a hard time figuring out what I am doing wrong - mind you, I'm a newbie, so it can be something obvious
      Would really appreciate if somebody could take a quick look and tell me if there is anything I should change or that I am doing wrong? I've tried to look into World of Logs myself to see if I could extract some learning, but I get lost in all that info...
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      - http://us.battle.net...d/Shulax/simple This is my profile in the armory... Note that I have a gem socket unused, but that's because I just got that head piece and I'm saving it for the legendary gem, which I should get today or tomorrow...
      - Addons I use: Spellflash to maximize DPS, WeakAuras to keep track if something is expiring, TidyPlates to track multi-target DoTs (although I haven't been able to configure it in a way that makes my job easy), fortExorcist also to track multi-target DoTs (although, again, it seems to be too much for me)
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      Armory Link: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/lightbringer/Tortirra
      First, let me start out by saying; that I know I am doing things wrong with my priority/rotation and focus management. I feel like I could, and should be doing much more dps with my current gear. I've witnessed a worse geared survival Hunter put out some fairly insane numbers.
      I am just looking for advice as to what I am doing wrong, and how I should try to fix it. I can start with the most noticeable issue that I am aware about thus far. That being my Serpent Sting up-time. It's absolutely trash, it should be 90%+, but I let it fall off too much and average around 50-60% up time.
      My other issue stems from focus management/starvation (at times). I often times find myself spitting out 2-3 Arcane shots back to back, which; in turn, when my Explosive Shot comes off Cool Down, I find myself send out 3-4 Cobra Shots to get the Focus back, leaving my Explosive Shot unused for a good 2-3 GCD rounds.
      here are some of my parses, including 25m HoF/Terrace
      iLvl: 488
      iLvl: 492
      I definitely like to min/max a bit, and Hunter is still a fairly new class to me (coming from playing a Warlock most of my time in WoW).
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