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[US][PLAYER][H] Hindquarter, LF evening Pacific Mythic guild (any server)

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(((Short and sweet version here, for those who aren't going to read my whole post :P Years-experienced heroic+ raider, looking for new and preferably Horde-based home. 7/7H and 1/7M as of December 14/15th, and looking for that or above level in a group. Also need to have start times no earlier than 8:30p PST due to work schedule during the week, with weekends more flexible at needing after 6:30p Saturday and wide open Sundays. Main spec heals, offspec Boomkin solely for soloing and when encounters require extra dps. I'm good at what I do, but also a smartass with a sense of humor who plays this game for fun as well as boss kills, and would prefer my new group to be of like mind. Continue reading if that sounds good to you and leave a reply, otherwise thanks for looking!)))

Greets and thanks for reading. I'm currently shopping for a new guild, seeing what options may be out there. My current guild that went 7/7N&H and 1/7M before the holidays, sadly then proceeded to fall apart during/after the break we took for said holidays. And despite efforts of those in charge since, we have yet to recover. I was still hopeful, but earlier this week one of the leads threw in the towel and in so doing pretty much made the guild's indefinite hiatus official. With the next raid on the horizon I would like to be in a group that's ready to tackle the new content as well as polishing off Highmaul.

My problem in finding groups however is that I need later raid times, as I work til 7p Alaska time/8p WoW time(PST), but also need to not be up ridiculously late in order to function the next day. My current groups run time of 9-12p WoW time 3 days a week is ideal for me, though I'm readily flexible on what days (and somewhat on the times) raid occurs provided that the times are within my work/sleep schedule. 

For some experience background, between this and my other account I've been playing since Vanilla, both in PvP and raids from the beginning. Was heavy into PvP from Vanilla through BC, then switched to mostly PvE focus in Wrath and then entirely so by ICC going live. Have been a heroic raider across several classes since TotC, went 11/12H in ICC, then 6/7H in FL and 7/8H in DS before taking a break for 2/3 of MoP. Came back and just ran normals, including AotC kills of Lei Shen in August of 2013 and then AotC Garrosh shortly after in November. Currently am still only 7/7 H and 1/7M in HM, with my guild having gotten Twins to ~20% before the break and fallout. Here's a link to the Mythic Kargath kill I just pug-healed this week(and placed 303 out of 9558 parses, above 96% of rduid ranks): https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/dxW97tjnv1JLXHCF#view=rankings

Anyway, feel free to drop me a line if my post piques your interest and you're a late night/west coast-ish time group. Leave a post here, shoot me an in-game mail, or poke me directly at Vorgrimm#1844. Fiesty folks with a sense of humor that realize this is still just a video game, while also knowing how to get stuff done and who do so to the front! Thanks! :)


-Hindquarter, currently on Blackrock (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/blackrock/Hindquarter/advanced)

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