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Doubts from a returning player

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Hey all.

I'm a returning player from vanilla-bc-wotlk and some doubts have sprung up during gameplay. For instance:


1) While raiding with destruction, and with the 15sec timer on havoc, should I use it on CD with chaos bolt regardless of how many embers I actually have? I know it varies with raid encounter (getting advantage of 3 shadowburns on brackenspore encounter), but what about on twin ogron and long cleave fights without adds?


1.1) Does it actually compensate, in general terms, glyphing dark soul for shorter, albeit more regular, chaos bolt dumps?


2) Is it ok to interrupt drain soul channelings to refresh dot duration in order to keep the uptime perfect? Guess one should squeeze as many ticks as possible before that?


2.1) On cleave fights with Demonic Servitude instead of SB:Haunt, should I worry about maintaining Haunt on both targets (provided there are two) when I proceed to use my shards during dark soul, procs, and the like?


I guess that is all, thanks in advance!

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Hey all.

I'm a returning player from vanilla-bc-wotlk and some doubts have sprung up during gameplay. For instance:


1) While raiding with destruction, and with the 15sec timer on havoc, should I use it on CD with chaos bolt regardless of how many embers I actually have? I know it varies with raid encounter (getting advantage of 3 shadowburns on brackenspore encounter), but what about on twin ogron and long cleave fights without adds?


1.1) Does it actually compensate, in general terms, glyphing dark soul for shorter, albeit more regular, chaos bolt dumps?


2) Is it ok to interrupt drain soul channelings to refresh dot duration in order to keep the uptime perfect? Guess one should squeeze as many ticks as possible before that?


2.1) On cleave fights with Demonic Servitude instead of SB:Haunt, should I worry about maintaining Haunt on both targets (provided there are two) when I proceed to use my shards during dark soul, procs, and the like?


I guess that is all, thanks in advance!

Hi there!

Onwards to your questions.

1)Generally you don't want to be Destro if you are on fights that require you to do so (Tectus/Twins are good example)

Other specs can handle your problem well and perform much better there. Using those is a tool you shouldn't be passing on.

If we get back to the core of your answer, I would probably say "No". Embers are a bit pricey now, you don't have this much to spend on Havoc each 15 seconds.

However, Havoc still works with usual spells - Inci/Conflag/Immo, so I'd advise to use Havoc pretty much on CD, but rather without CBs. Just punch them with double fire, get double embers and have fun.

1.1)In short, no.

Talking deep, I've discussed this topic here, read around.

My point is that longer DS lines up with trinket procs/on-use trinket much better and still buffs your regular spells.

It's also a bit more flexibile in terms of burn phases being interrupted by fight mechanics and stuff.

2)It's almost mandatory to do so. DoT uptime is the most important thing you should do as Aff, especially on multi-target fights(Twins/Tectus)

You would want to channed Drain Soul as long as you can, however, with Haunt debuff and other damage procs on. Refresh DoTs before using buffs, so you won't be forced to do so in the middle of buffed channels.

2.1)Providing you are having spare soul shards, yeah, It's a good idea.

For example, if you are having 4 shards, 2 targets and buffs on CD, it's a good idea to have both targets Haunted.

If you don't have spare shards(2 or less), then you should hold them for damage cooldowns/procs/etc.

Having a 20 second uptime on target you are Souldraining, though, is a good damaging option, too.

It should be something like that - if you can't make a good Drain Soul channel for those 20 seconds, Haunt both.

If you will be standing still and smacking dat pink ray button for good 20 seconds, spend 2 Haunts on 1 target.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Hope that helps. 

Good luck!


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Hi there!

Onwards to your questions.

1)Generally you don't want to be Destro if you are on fights that require you to do so (Tectus/Twins are good example)

Other specs can handle your problem well and perform much better there. Using those is a tool you shouldn't be passing on.

If we get back to the core of your answer, I would probably say "No". Embers are a bit pricey now, you don't have this much to spend on Havoc each 15 seconds.

However, Havoc still works with usual spells - Inci/Conflag/Immo, so I'd advise to use Havoc pretty much on CD, but rather without CBs. Just punch them with double fire, get double embers and have fun.


Regarding the use of havoc on twins (if you're destro which you probably shouldnt be), after prior research myself i tend to do follow this check list:


1. Try your best to use havoc on cooldown (whether it's for chaos bolts or ember gen spells)


2. Use havoc on ember gens (inc/conflag/immolates) IF DS is off cool down soon (maybe 15-20secs away) AND if you currently lack the embers for the burst phase with DS (ideally you should have 3.5~4 when DS is off CD)


3. Use havoc with Chaos Bolts IF you have extra embers and DS is NOT going to be off cool-down anytime soon 


4. Ideally in 20secs of DS you should be able to use havoc at least twice, thus firing out a total of 4+2 chaos bolts 


For points 2 and 3, there isn't really a set rule about it, it's up to your own feel i think. Generally you would want to work around having close to max embers once DS cools down, any spare embers -> havoc CB

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Thanks for the input, guys, you've been very helpful, and I think you've got everything nicely covered.

Just one lingering gripe: when you say a 20 sec DS is "bit more flexibile in terms of burn phases being interrupted by fight mechanics and stuff", what do you exactly mean? Wouldn't a 10 sec DS be more flexible against fight mechanics that would interrupt a 20 sec stationary phase otherwise?



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Thanks for the input, guys, you've been very helpful, and I think you've got everything nicely covered.

Just one lingering gripe: when you say a 20 sec DS is "bit more flexibile in terms of burn phases being interrupted by fight mechanics and stuff", what do you exactly mean? Wouldn't a 10 sec DS be more flexible against fight mechanics that would interrupt a 20 sec stationary phase otherwise?

I've been cluttered with this question for a while now. Whew.

Look, you don't have to remain stationary for 20 seconds.

10 seconds are almost forced 0 movement for all this phase.


you need to dump, lets say, 4 CBs. ~cast time = 2 seconds, thats 8 seconds of cast. During a 10 second DS you'd have only 2 seconds to move, while with 20 seconds you are almost free to cast your CBs all around this time.

That's exactly what I mean when I say "20 seconds is more flexible".

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