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I'm kind of frustrated about this game :/

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hey, sry that my first topic is flame^^

just wanted to let loose of some feels :p


so, first of:

beginners advantage (or in hearthstone case: disadvantage)

everytime i have to go first i feel like concede and give it another try is the best option.


if you go 2nd, you have just way too many advantages:

1st off, u can see up to 8 cards of your deck, not only 6 - u have a whole card advantage AND u can use more mana (at 1 turn)


in most games which are turn based (like chess or other card games) usually the beginner has an advantage... but i think hearthstone went a bit too far trying to compensate that - in my opinion "the coin" would be enough - the additional card is overkill. way overkill.



2nd off: fucking deathrattle summon -,.-

i only have basic cards, yet. and i have nearly no deathrattle cards. i'm facing deathrattle 24/7 in each game. those card's just give way too much value for their mana cost. i don't know... the cards i can use cant compete with these. their bodys (atk and health value) can barely compare to them without their deathrattle effect.

spells are kind of useless... because u cant trade 1 vs 1 with them vs these deathrattle summons... hell - i even once killed this sneed's old shredder with a shadow word: death just to see him summon kel'thuzad and come back to life (i insta conceded after i saw him resummon sneed's)

on the other hand: my enemys have no problems using spells on my minions - because they dont have any deathrattle summon :/

but haunted creeper is - in my opinion - the most overpowered deathrattle summon.

fuck it.. 2 mana for 3 bodys? u fucking serious? the only way to actually trade effective with this monster is against a stupid opponent, who floods the board and it dies with other minions to area dmg... and, of course, u have to pay money to get this card - so ya, no way for me to get it.


maybe i'm just overreacting, because i do not have a single card, which can silence, yet. but - idk - even with silence i could only trade 2v1 against deathrattle... (because i have to use the card with silence -_-)


i don't know... i lost so many games where my opponent just played deathrattle after deathrattle (haunted creeper, harvest golem, sludge... bloodhoof...) and there is just no way for me to comepete with these bodys... too much value, way too much value



sry for the flame ._.

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I agree, the stone is op. Maybe if it didn't count as a spell or it cost 2 mana for 3, it could be more balanced. I use 2 haunted creepers,but you don't have to "pay for them". If you need silence pick a class with cards built in for that.

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I agree, the stone is op. Maybe if it didn't count as a spell or it cost 2 mana for 3, it could be more balanced. I use 2 haunted creepers,but you don't have to "pay for them". If you need silence pick a class with cards built in for that.


i actually think the stone would be fine, if it didnt count as a card+spell, just like... u can use this, but u cant buff anything with it...


but what i rly hate is that u get to chose 4 cards in beginning + mulligan (the card swapping in beginning) u get to see 2 more cards out of your 30.

when i'm second i often tend to hold a 4 mana monster for a strong turn 3 drop - i can still choose to mull the other 3 for "better" earlygame. if i go first i would never hold on to a 4+ mana card ._. i have less cards as my opponent and i rly need good early plays, can't hold on to 4+ mana - impossible^^

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Seeing a extra card is an advantage I have not yet calculated. Maybe player 1 would be balanced if they got a coin too. Something like (0) draw a card.

Edited by Agent911

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The Coin is certainly not as big an advantage as you claim. In Arena, stats show that going first has an improved winrate. In constructed, the advantage of the Coin is usually limited to specific decks that actually have a valuable use for it. Such as Rogue to activate Combos, or Violet Teacher/other Spell synergy decks.

Aside from that, going first and holding the initiative in the game is a huge advantage, and absolutely needs a balancing mechanism like The Coin to mitigate it. Without The Coin, a player who goes first and simply plays an on-curve minion every turn would win an enormous percentage of games.

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The Coin is certainly not as big an advantage as you claim. In Arena, stats show that going first has an improved winrate. In constructed, the advantage of the Coin is usually limited to specific decks that actually have a valuable use for it. Such as Rogue to activate Combos, or Violet Teacher/other Spell synergy decks.

Aside from that, going first and holding the initiative in the game is a huge advantage, and absolutely needs a balancing mechanism like The Coin to mitigate it. Without The Coin, a player who goes first and simply plays an on-curve minion every turn would win an enormous percentage of games.

i agree with that. but it is not only the coin - my claim is the extra card is too big of an advantage... :(

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I don't know what to tell you, Blizzard keep careful stats on gameplay, and there's not been any data to suggest that going second is a significant advantage. Otherwise they would have addressed it.

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