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Holy Priest - Multistrike or Crit

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Hello guys,


I cannot say I am new to WoW, but I am rookie for some stuff. I used to play as Druid healer but my guild have already 3 dudu healers. So, I have decided to go as Priest. Of course, I had many suggestions to go as Disc, but I do really prefer Holy. 


However, I have a problem and decision to make. In AskMrRobot there are two stats: crit and mulistrike. I am not sure which one to take. As Druid healer in MoP it was Spirit than Haste. U got Haste cap and that is all. Should I stick to Multistrike at some iLvl (until when?) or should I just go for Crit? Also, please help me with enchantment for weapon. 


I have read a decent number of forum topics, some opinions but still I am quite confused. smile.png


Here is link from my character:



Thanks a lot smile.png



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AMR is completely in the wrong when it comes to their supposed crit build for holy. I mean just read the description for it:



Place a cap on Spirit at the level you are comfortable with. Not many people like Crit on a Holy Priest. Mr. Robot included this build because Crit is unfairly discriminated against by the theorycrafting community. On average, it is actually a good throughput stat. It could work.


Emphasis mine. Now, there are several concerns here, but what bothers me here is that none of the arguments they use for using crit as holy has anything to do with its effect on your healing. They say on average it's a good stat, that it could work. The reason they included it is because it's unfairly discriminated against by the theorycrafting community.


This is using their stat weights to further an agenda, not helping people out.


Crit is a decent throughput stat for holy, but for stat weights it's not enough to determine whether a stat is good or not, you need to figure out what stats are best, and subsequently in what order and by what magnitude these stats affect your throughput. For holy, that turns out to be roughly:




That said, the stats are also somewhat close to each other. A piece with mastery/versatility on it that's 15 item levels higher will be an upgrade to a multistrike/crit or similar piece because of the added intellect.


Compare it to their MS>Haste build:



Place a cap on Spirit at the level you are comfortable with. Holy gains extra benefit from Multistrikes with their stat attunement, Divine Providence, making it a strong throughput stat. Getting a decent amount of Haste will also help with heavy movement and emergency healing.

The primary arguments here are actually reasonable. They relate to how the stats affect your throughput. You gain 20% more healing from multistrikes than you do critical strikes and you gain 5% more of the stat and haste increases the healing of your HoTs and the number of Circle of Healings you can cast. These effects make multistrike and haste significantly better than the other three that under normal circumstances can be considered roughly equal.

Edited by Espiee
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