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[US-Zul'jin][H] <Night Owls> [7/7 H HM][1/10H BRF] LF Raiders

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Recruitment information


Our guild, Night Owls, is looking for fun people to play with on Zul'jin-US. We are a late-night guild focused mainly on PvE, but we also have some skilled PvPers in our ranks.


Progress So Far


Highmaul - 7/7 Heroic


Blackrock Foundry - 5/10 Normal, 1/10 Heroic



Who we are


Night Owls is a gaming community that spans a number of games including WoW, Diablo III and Hearthstone. We have a fairly large Teamspeak server. 


The majority of us started playing WoW or returned to the game around the time of patch 5.3 in 2013, and we had a blast progressing through Siege (ended off at 9/14H, before Heroic was turned to Mythic). We would classify our WoW team as a semi-hardcore guild: we like to progress and we like to have a good time doing it. Right now our goal is on downing content up to Heroic. Depending on how progression goes, we may dip our toes in Mythic. 


Who you are


Our guild would be a good fit for skilled, semi-hardcore players who like to raid in a fun environment. If you view WoW as a job or are looking for world firsts, we are probably not the guild for you. If you are a skilled player and quick learner that enjoys playing with people like yourself, you’ll fit right in.


Having a good, sick sense of humour would also be a notch in your favour.


Raid Positions Available



  • Disc Priests
  • Holy Pallies
  • We'll probably consider other healers as well

  • Warriors
  • Rogues
  • Shammy
  • Retribution Pally

  • Don't need any right now, but if you know how to play your tank spec and you can fill another role, we'd definitely consider it
Raid Times


As the name suggests, primetime for our guild is late-night/early morning. Though being a literal night owl isn't mandatory, our raid times and peak activity would line up well with people who do shift work or who often find themselves sitting at the computer when the sun begins to come up in the morning. Our raid times are as follows:

  • Saturday: 12:00 am - 3:30 am Zul’jin server time
  • Sunday: 12:00 am - 3:30 am Zul’jin server time
  • Sunday night and Monday night: Depends on how the last two nights went, might do some cleanup
  • We also do a number of things during the week. Working on gear we missed in Highmaul, Challenge Modes, Achievements, etc.
Contact Info


If interested please contact:

  • Acyndria (Battletag: Acyndria#1330)
  • Momspaghetti (Loopyloop#1846)
  • Olphie (SHDWMooP#1741)

You can also submit an application via website at: http://night-owls.enjin.com/page/688025/recruitment.

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