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Raiding difficulties, Frost BRF Herioc ilvl 669

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Hello all, and thanks for taking the time to read this. I am currently raiding with my guild a few nights a week, in H and N BRF. 


My toon: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/nagrand/Ordieth/simple


My Logs: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guilds/50785


I recently switched to prismatic crystal and am still trying to get the timing down. Other than that the only thing I really notice that I need work on is using my water jet ability more efficiently. Tips/Suggestions?


Another question I had was about Ask Mr. Robot. I have Heroic Slaughterhouse Spaulders, (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/item/113609/raid-heroic), but it tells me that ( http://us.battle.net/wow/en/item/113903/raid-heroic ) is better for both fire and frost. Should I listen to it or should I just prioritize MS more than Dr. Robot?




Last question is what fights should I be staying on Frost, and what should I switch to Fire for?


Thanks in advance for any help you might give a fellow mage.

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If your AMR is set up correctly with stat weights, then yes, equip what he tells you. Trust me, he can calculate thing better than us.


Frost single target / Burst required


Fire constant aoe damage required

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  On 2/10/2015 at 11:40 PM, Oltier said:

If your AMR is set up correctly with stat weights, then yes, equip what he tells you. Trust me, he can calculate thing better than us.


Frost single target / Burst required


Fire constant aoe damage required


Sim yourself first though to get above said stat weights, to make sure AMR is prioritising things correctly.

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-You are saving frozen orb for your PC, and i don't know if it is the best idea. Frozen orb has a 1min CD and PC has 1min 30s. In any case, at minute 3, all your cd will be aligned together again.


-Your first water jet cast was at 00:15 and your second one... at 4:00 . Definitly you are losing a bunch of finger of frosts procs (and thus dps) by not casting this spell.


-Be sure to cast your second potion before mirror image, as i think the images will benefit from the 1k intelligence buff ( please, can somebody more expert in frost mage confirm that?)

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- On single target, he should save FO for PC.


-The 1st cast of WJ is okayish. could've been earlier, but definitely not in the opener.


-MI gets updated dinamically. You jsut want them to get the full benefit of the potion.

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The point of the second remark was more about the fact that he did not cast any water jet during three and a half minutes biggrin.png


For the rest, You must be more aware than me, thanks for telling me how mirror image stats work. I thought they were just copying the buff of your character at the moment of the spell cast.

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