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Help on Op. Thogar and Beastlord for frost mage...

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 Hey all. I just need help on my dps on Op. Thogar and Beastlord. I am i-level 678 and I believe my dps is low on those fights. On Thogar, I will end up with around 30k ...while on Beastlord, I will end up with around 33k. 

  Please help with ideas about what Talents to use and what times they are most effective. I don't need help with rotation and gear, and viewing my armory won't help. I just hope to hear some good solid advice from some Frost mages on what talents to select for those fights and how to most effectively utilize them. timing means quite a bit when it comes to cd usage. 

  Currently, I am using IN-MI-PC for those two fights. I delay my PC usage for a few seconds on both fights to get a good AOE dps boost when the adds first come out for each fight. It works very well, however, the cd usage becomes out of sync for the rest of the fight and i find that fire mages, locks, rogues, ret pally, etc. tend to perform better than me.

   Help! if you have any good ideas. 

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On aoe fights, it is absolutely crucial to have frost bomb talent. It is a massive boost to dps, As far as usage goes, make sure you only cast it when it is not already on target (duh) and you have at least one FoF proc (alternatively right before water jet/frozen orb comes off cooldown).


Also Incanter's Flow seems to be better for AoE situation (well, Rune is the best, but only if you don't have to move, which in most cases, you do).


And then in the last row, Thermal Void is the best (I had a topic with this question couple days ago) - due to the fact that you CANNOT hold on your frozen orb in these fights for the PC.


And during the fight you perform your standard rotation with those talents, follow your duties. And then you make sure you have frozen orb available for every add pack (use blizzard to shorten CD if necessary), cast it on adds, cast frost bomb to make sure it cleaves on the whole pack and ice lance it away!

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Beastlord is not an AoE fight though, it's a ST fight with adds that have low prio. You don't gain boss damage by playing with Fbomb. The best setup for beastlord is IN MI PC.

For Thogar go with Fbomb IF PC, as you want the boss damage and you can't guarantee there weill be adds on every single IV cast. 

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Beastlord is not an AoE fight though, it's a ST fight with adds that have low prio. You don't gain boss damage by playing with Fbomb. The best setup for beastlord is IN MI PC.

For Thogar go with Fbomb IF PC, as you want the boss damage and you can't guarantee there weill be adds on every single IV cast. 


PC is useless on Beastlord for single target.


If there is any adds/weapons in the way you are going to be doing 50 percent less damage on the boss and hitting useless targets.


Thermal Void is a great talent on this fight, if you delay your cooldowns until the first 'Call the pack' you can spam FoF procs and extend your Icy Veins to disgusting amounts. 


Or you can do what I do.


1. Stand where the call of the pack is about to spawn.

2. Pre Cast RoF

3. Call out the wrong spawn point in mumble

4. Spend 10 second DPS'ing the adds whilst the other 19 players are confused as hell

5. Laugh at the Warriors, Fire Mages and Boomkins who are now 50k DPS behind you on the meters*






*Depending on whether your guild has a sense of humor you may or may not get benched for being a scumbag

Edited by Cam

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